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Trip Pics #4: The Ferry and the Beach

Since we were so close to the Atlantic Ocean, we felt we must go see it!  Then my husband thought it would be quite an adventure to take the ferry instead of driving down the coast.

It was sooo windy that day!

I’m glad to have seen my first lighthouse!

We arrived at the beach and decided to take a little stroll along the sand before getting to the hotel and changing into our bathing suits.  It didn’t go quite as I had planned. . .

By the way, thanks so much to my sister, who encouraged me to buy an Ergo baby carrier for this trip.  I used it every single day!

And here is a picture of me thinking, "Why didn’t we change into swimsuits?  We’ll never do this again!"

The next morning we headed back to the beach.  I went into a few shops with the 2 little ones while the others played in the sand and waves.

Soldiers training to keep us safe:

The Amish visit the ocean:

The kids also saw some dolphins.  They absolutely loved their beach experience.  We live right in the middle of the Midwest prairie, so it will be some time before we get back to the ocean!

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