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Trip pics #5: Washington D.C.

As we began our trip back home, we made a short stop in Washington D.C.–way too short a stop!  There is so much to see and do in this historic city that we will definitely plan an entire vacation here sometime in the future.  We decided to walk around the first evening.  The next morning the older boys went with their dad to the International Spy Museum (a big hit!) while I took the four younger ones to the National Zoo.

Riding the Metro.  My 2 yo was sooo excited to ride a train!

At the Capitol:

My Washington D.C. highlight–seeing the pandas!

There was a really awesome reptile house at the zoo.  We spent a bit of time in there because it was raining!

After this day, we spent two days driving home.  It was a wonderful vacation, but looking at the pictures, I’m remembering how tiring it was!  But I’m thankful for the awesome family memories!

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