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UPDATED Plans for new homeschool year

I haven’t even started it, and I’ve already changed it!  I’ve simplified some things, and given us more time to accomplish certain activities (allowed for margin!).

Homeschool Plans for 2007-2008
for kids ages 6, 5, 3, 2 and 10 mos.

Bible Time/ Family Worship:  Bible Time daily 9:00-9:30 a.m.
Bible Time with Mom:  Read a chapter each day from “Leading Little Ones to God.”  Read through a whole book of the Bible, (one chapter or just a few verses a day), then move onto another book (finish Luke, then Exodus, Daniel, Proverbs, James, Psalms).  Act out the story if it fits with the reading.  Work on Scripture memory (also books of the Bible, Ten Commandments, Lord’s Prayer).  Pray daily with ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication).  Sing hymns and praise songs.  In October do lapbook (Hands of a Child) and unit study on "Biblical Obedience."
Oldest son does his Bible Study Fellowship lesson daily (studying Matthew this year) during naptime break, and goes with Dad to BSF on Monday nights.
Dad does Bible reading and singing with older 2 kids in evenings before bed.

Memorization:  During daily Bible Time 9:00-9:45 a.m.
Continue memorizing one verse/passage from every book of the Bible.  Try to finish Old Testament by December and New Testament by May.

Handwriting and Copywork:  Older kids 9:45-10:00 a.m. daily, younger kids 10:00-10:15 daily
Use Handwriting Without Tears workbooks for 4 older kids.  Do copy work of Scripture we’ve memorized, as well as poetry and quotes of others we’re studying for the 2 older kids.

Phonics:  Daily 1:15-1:30 for 2 oldest kids, at 2:00 p.m. for 3rd child
Continue TATRAS (Teach America to Read and Spell) with 3 older kids at their pace.  Read aloud practice for 2 older kids everyday using McGuffey readers and Rod & Staff readers.  Oral spelling practice. 

History:  Read daily 1:30 p.m.
August-December:  Read about Kings of Israel/Judah, exile of Israelites, and prophets (finish up Old Testament study) using Egermeier’s Story Bible pp.189-308.  Read novel "God King" (Williamson).
Read about Ancient Greeks and up to Rome using Story of the World, vol. 1, pp.123-207; Famous Men of Greece;  Aesop’s Fables; and Children’s Book of Greek Myths.  Also read novel "Theras and His Town" (Snedeker).  Do written activities about Greece and Greek alphabet.
Then Egermeier’s pp.309-351.
January-May:  Read about Roman Empire using Story of the World, volume 1, chapters 27-36 and Famous Men of Rome.  Get lapbook of Roman Empire.
Read about New Testament stories (finish Egermeier’s Story Bible pp.355-568).   Read novel “The Bronze Bow“.  
Finish Story of the World, vol. 1, chapters 37-42. 
Need to read 17 pages/week.  Do narration with 3 older kids during history readings.  Put things on timeline which is hanging in our hallway.

Poetry:  Daily reading of one poem at 1:30 p.m.
Poetry of Edward Lear, T.S. Eliot, Lewis Carroll.  Maybe read some "deeper" poetry (Browning, Shakespeare, Poe, Whitman, Thoreau, etc.).  Start with "Gems of Poetry," an anthology I have.

Novels:  Mom reads at 1:30 p.m. daily.  Dad reads nightly with older kids.
Summer With the Moody’s (August), The Wizard of Oz (September), Autumn With the Moody’s, Robinson Crusoe, Five Little Peppers (August), The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle, The 21 Balloons (DuBois), Rascal, Stories of the Pilgrims (November), The Jungle Book (January), Pinocchio (Collodi), Johnny Tremain (February), Pagoo, The Secret Garden (May), A Wrinkle in Time (April), Little House Series (August-November), God King (Joanne Williamson) (September), Theras and His Town (Caroline Dale Snedeker) (November), The Bronze Bow (March). 
Other books:  Larry Burkett’s Money Matters for Kids (October), a biography of a missionary doctor (March).

Listen aloud (on iPod or CD) in car or while folding clothes:  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Pilgrim’s Progress, other books from, stories from “You Need a Story” and “Homeschool Radio Shows”, Spanish Cds, Jonathan Park.

Unit Studies:  Work on hands-on projects Thursdays from 10:15-11:00 a.m., library books 11:00-11:30 a.m.
August--Ten Commandments (Hands of a Child lapbook, memorize Ten Commandments, listen to “Sir Oliver‘s Song“, geography–Egypt, wilderness)
September–Weather (downloads from and video on internet, books and resource kit from library, measure and record temperature–daily, highs and lows; rainfall and make graphs/charts, copy work of weather sayings, read "The Wizard of Oz", listen to Beethoven‘s “The Storm“, geography-US map)
October–Biblical Obedience (Hands of a Child lapbook, Memorize and copywork of Scripture, Use If-Then Chart from Doorposts)
October–Money (learn about how money is made, who is on each coin and bill, read and study God’s plan for money with Burkett’s book, make own lapbook or notebook, books from library, open an account at bank, copy work of Scripture that deals with money, geography–cities where US mints are)
November–Pilgrims and Indians (have lots of resources on Pilgrims; Indian paper dolls; do crafts of pinecone turkeys, Mayflower model, costumes, corn husk dolls; copy work of Pilgrim’s quotes and poems; read “Stories of the Pilgrims“, field trip to Indian Museum in Wisconsin in October, listen to CD "Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember" by Barbara Rainey; geography–England, Holland, Spain, Route to America, Plymouth)
December–Polar Regions/ Sled Dogs/ Penguins (Hands of a Child lapbooks, have other materials, learn about Iditarod on internet, watch “Balto”, “March of the Penguins" and "A Story of Keiko the Killer Whale"; geography–Polar regions including Antarctica and Alaska)
January–Rocks and Minerals, lapbook
February–Presidents  (info off internet and from library books, copy work of President’s quotes, read “Johnny Tremain“, geography–Washington D.C.)
March–Human Body (Hands of a Child lapbook, make life-size body chart of each of the kids, find models of body and certain organs such as the eye and ear, field trip to Bodyworld Museum, read biography of missionary doctor, geography–the place where the missionary doctor went)
April–Astronomy (have lots of resources from online, get more from Planetarium website, books from library, visit Adler Planetarium, make model of the solar system, use telescope outside, read “A Wrinkle in Time”, listen to Gustav‘s “The Planets“, do sand art kit of galaxy pictures, geography–space)
May–Botany (have lots of resources, more from library, make or buy own lapbook or notebook; crafts from flowers/seeds/pinecones/etc.; visit Botanic Garden; read “The Secret Garden“; geography–Illinois and the plants/trees/flowers found in the prairie)

Math Activities:  10:15-11:00 Wednesdays
Choose from games (Dominoes, Uno, Monopoly Jr., dice games); clock; money; calendar; charts/graphs; fractions with food; measuring; cooking; probability; counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, etc..  Get resources and ideas from Family Math, Beechick’s math book and internet, such as

Violin lessons for 2 older boys Monday mornings (10:00-12:00), family Musikgarten class on Tuesday evenings, preschooler class on Thursday morning for 3 youngest kids, older kid class on Thursday morning for 3 oldest kids, sing hymns/ praise songs in morning during Bible Time and evening with Dad before bed, as well as at church and during biweekly Small Group.

Art projects:  10:00-10:30  Fridays
Once a month–painting day, and once a month–play-dough day.
Paper bag puppets (Little Hand Art Book p.20, Celebrating Art p.35)
August–Press wildflower petals in heavy book, put in clear contact paper for bookmarks.
Fish stained glass with clear contact paper and tissue paper.
September–paint rocks
October–Leaf prints (LH p. 18) and/or leaf rubbings with crayons
October–Nature wreath or mobile with fall nature items (leaves, acorns, seeds)
November–corn husk dolls
November–pinecone turkeys
December–clay ornaments  (CA p.38)
December–bird feeders with pinecones and bread (CA p.47)
January–paper snowflakes
January–button pictures
January–rain forest paint by number kit
February–Valentines to send
February–paper mosaic (LH p.53)
March–Hand print paper weight (LH p.90)
March–seed/bean wreath (Appreciating Art p.51)
April–Sand Art galaxy kit
Weaving paper (LH p.40)
May–make mobiles using spring nature items (flowers, leaves, seeds, etc.) (CA p.49)
May–collages using nature items

Nature Study/Journal:  3:30-4:30 p.m.

Once a week (at least) go for a nature walk (backyard, in the neighborhood or drive somewhere).  Take paper to draw something and then put it in their nature journal.  Older kids write something about it.

Preschool Activities:  various times
puzzles, paper activity from internet, paper dolls, lacing beads and cards, Letter of the Week activity, games, blocks, Legos, etc.

Science experiments and Building projects (like models):  weekends

Do on weekends with Dad.

Field Trips:  Several in August, once a month Sept.-May
Aug.–Northwoods Animal Hospital
Naper Settlement, Heritage Farm Festival, Kohl Children’s Museum, apple orchard
Oct.– bank
, Indian museum in Wisconsin, cranberry bog in Wisconsin. cousins’ play
Jan.–Kohl Children’s Museum
Feb.–Medieval Fair
March–Bodyworld Museum
April–Adler Planetarium
May–Botanic Gardens,
Art Institute of Chicago

Initiate chore pack system for morning and afternoon chores.  Have daily chore training from 3:30-4:00 p.m. to learn new chores.

Library every other week on Friday (11:00-11:30 a.m.).
Outside often to play on swingset, balls, ride bikes, park, etc. for physical education.
Swim lessons for 3 oldest kids January-May 2008.
Ministry project–clean house for hospitality for biweekly Small Group meetings and monthly Homeschool moms meeting.  Card ministry (make and send cards to people we pray for.)
Videos–30 minutes a day (5-5:30 p.m.), focus on Moody Science Videos and Signing Time (to learn sign language).

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  1. jennybell68 says:

    Your plan has given me some good ideas to use for this year with my 4yo and saving some for next year. Thanks for sharing!

  2. jabbabean says:

    I hope to use some of your ideas, too. How do you come up with your subjects/activities?

    Double check Tuesday. It looks like you have Unit Study scheduled at the same time as Musikgarten.

    I hope you guys have a great, productive year.


  3. Thanks, Jennifer I switched my Musikgarten classes from Thursdays to Tuesdays and didn't get everything changed yet.


    <br>How do I come up with my ideas? From reading about lots of other people's ideas!



    Edited by genamayo on Mar. 9, 2008 at 3:22 PM

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