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Updated Schedule 2008-09

After having been at this a few weeks, I’ve made some changes to our schedule:

Time               What to do

6:00-7:00     Wake up, shower, breakfast

7:00-8:30     Morning Chores (vitamins, brush teeth, dishwasher,                            fold clothes, practice violin)

8:30-9:15     Bible Time (story or doctrine, read Bible, memory practice, sing, and pray)

9:15-9:45     B, J, M handwriting or copywork; B, J phonics dictation/spelling; B, J history notebook entry

9:45-10:15 M: Math (game);

T: Math (manipulatives);

W: Violin lesson;

Th: Lapbook or history project;

F: Math (living books and/or worksheets)

10:15-11:30 M: read library books or go to library;  

   T: read library books or science experiment;  

   W: Violin lesson;  

   Th: Swim lessons; 

   F: Lapbook or art

11:30-12:00 Lunch and clean up

12:00-1:00   P.E./ play outside, computer for Mom

1:00-1:15     T & R down for naps (read first)

1:15-2:30     B, J read to Mom; M phonics; read-aloud of poetry, history lesson, and novel/ biography

2:30-3:30     Quiet/ rest time

3:30-4:00     Snack and free play;  W: clean up downstairs

4:00-4:30     M, T, F:  Free play;  W: voice lesson;  Th:  clean up basement

4:30-5:00     Clean up downstairs;  W: voice lesson

5:00-5:30     Video and dinner prep (only educ. videos during the week)

5:30-6:30     Dinner and clean up

6:30-7:00     Family worship time

7:00-7:30     T to bed

7:30-8:15     Other kids to bed

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One Comment

  1. kristenph says:

    Great plan. We just ran through our almost complete schedule today for the first time. (Still lacking English) and I am pooped! I may have to do some tweaking.

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