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What’s happened lately

I made some goals about what I felt I could reasonably accomplish for the first few months after our new baby arrived.  One was that I would blog once a week (minimum).  Well, that goal hasn't been met!


I brought my mom home from the hospital last Tuesday.  She will be with us for another week or so.  She's doing quite well.  It is such a miracle, first, that she's alive and second, that she's almost perfectly fine.  I suspect she'll be able to return to work in January.


We had Thanksgiving here at my house last week.  I knew that with the stress of a newborn and my mom's situation I wouldn't be able to handle cooking, so my mother-in-law came over and did the majority of preparing the dinner.  The weather was beautiful, so the kids (we had 10 plus three babies) were able to play outside.  We also had 11 adults–quite a houseful!


Baby's First Thanksgiving


We decorated for Christmas last weekend.  My husband got all the outside lights up as well as the nativity scene he built.  He picked up a tree, and we all had fun decorating it.  My kids are having a ball playing with the ornaments.  Unfortunately, they've broken a few of them already.  I think I'm going to have to put some up higher.  It's kind of nice that this year I don't have to block off the tree.  My daughter is 20 months now and isn't too bad with getting into things.  I'm sure next year will be a different story when my little boy will be 14 months!  The kids have also tried to talk me into stringing popcorn, so we might try that.


What am I supposed to do with these lights again?



Last Saturday, all the cousins in the area got together for a bowling party.


Yesterday, I tried to resume some of our homeschooling schedule.  We did Bible Time and some of the reading at naptime.  Today we went to gymnastics and did some more phonics and reading at naptime.  I've had some wonderful people volunteer to help with rides and babysitting (and a meal!) this week.  I'm trying to be careful about not overdoing it so I don't get sick.  So far, the Lord has been more than gracious!

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One Comment

  1. TwaddleMeNot says:

    What great pictures. I’m so glad you were able to have your mother-in-law help with cooking! My mom was so sweet last year, and ordered us a turkey dinner since we had just gotten Naomi, I was eight months pregnant, and she was out of state! Hope you are able to get enough rest this week!



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