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Why I am Pro-Life: Marching for Those Who Can’t

[Todays’ article “Why I am Pro-Life: Marching for Those Who Can’t” was written by contributor Elizabeth Tomaszewski.]

I was fourteen years old when I first learned about abortion. My best friend at the time attended the March for Life with her church. Tess told me about abortion practices and the truth stung my ears. She told stories about her March for Life experience, and they sparked as flickers of hope. “The entire crowd sang Amazing Grace. So many people were there, we were all there for the same purpose.” She related to me, lighting a fire in my young heart to speak up for the vulnerable.

Why I am Pro-Life- Marching for Those Who Can't and the organization Save the Storks

My Story: Why I am Pro-Life

This is my story. It is different from yours, or any person’s. My journey takes place on the sidelines, and I generally carry water to the players on the field. I serve wherever I am led because God has given me a heart for the vulnerable. This is why I am pro-life.

Arguments Proving the Humanity of the Unborn

Scott Klusendorf, President of Life Training Institute, advocates logically for the unborn. I first heard him speak at a Summit Ministries student conference. He presents two main arguments when proving the humanity of the unborn in his concise explanation of the pro-life stance

  • Trot out the Toddler – Most arguments against abortion can be resolved by simple logic. Always ask, “Is it justifiable to treat a toddler the same way?” If a woman seeks an abortion because she can’t afford another child, would it be just as reasonable to kill her two-year-old for the same reason? Absolutely not! We need to protect the unborn for the same reason we protect a toddler. They are human.
  • L.E.D. – The unborn are just as human as you are; thinking otherwise is discrimination.

Size– Women are generally smaller than men; this doesn’t make them less valuable, nor is the unborn any less valuable than a child who is a few pounds larger, outside the womb

Level of Development– a fourteen-year-old girl is more developed than a four-year-old one, but that doesn’t change the value that the four-year-old has on society.

Environment– A child inside the womb isn’t less valuable than one outside. In a similar way, a child in Africa isn’t valued less than a child in the United States.

Degree of Dependency– Newborn babies are just as dependent on people as the unborn. Young children and the elderly are all dependent on others as well, but they are still valuable human beings.

What is your role?

In the theoretical realm, the logic is clear. However, individual stories often bring to light concerns rooted in fear and inadequacy, always approach people with love and compassion. We can share the truth in a way that is empowering. Once we know why a person is making the decision, it is easier to respond with what they need to hear. Be prepared to take action. The woman who fears affording another child needs to know she is capable. Pregnancy resource centers are instituted to help vulnerable women. Maybe God is calling you to be a physical presence in that person’s life.

Save the Storks

The pro-life movement brings the truth with hope. Being pro-life has come to mean being pro-life, for all of life. Pregnancy centers provide support for women and families. Joe Baker, a Summit Ministries Alum, founded Save the Storks in 2011. Take a look at this short video from Save the Storks about the pro-life movement.

Save the Storks, an organization that helps women with unplanned pregnancies

Save the Storks recognized a problem. Pregnancy centers were abundant and willing to invest in women and families, but the abortion clinics were on the other side of town. They designed the Stork Bus, full of state-of-the-art technology.

Stork Bus Exterior, a mobile medical clinic for women with unplanned pregnancies

These mobile medical units are staffed by professional nurses and counselors so the women can receive the best care. Advertising free ultrasounds, they park outside of abortion clinics and meet the women where they are at, where they are vulnerable. When they are scared, they need to hear how strong they are.

Stork Bus Interior, a mobile medical clinic for women with unplanned pregnancies

When a woman sees her baby and hears the heartbeat, she is empowered. In fact, 4 out of 5 women who board a Stork Bus choose life.

Ultrasound from Save the Storks June 2016

On the bus they receive care; they are listened to and heard. Local pregnancy centers are now able to touch the hearts and lives of women. They care for them and give them hope. For real stories of women choosing life because of Save the Storks ministry, check out this story or this one.

March for Life

I have been partnering with Save the Storks for over two years. In January, They needed volunteers for the March for Life. Save the Storks provided thousands of free signs for the March for Life in Washington D.C. They needed feet on the ground passing out the signs with smiles. I had legs and teeth, so I signed up. Vice President Mike Pence spoke at the rally just over a week after receiving the title. His powerful words on this video sum up why we participated that day.

Why I am Pro-Life. Save the Storks and March for Life

God worked out the details

I was on a team of twenty individuals that handed out over twelve thousand blue signs. When I said yes, I didn’t fully understand what I was going to accomplish. I volunteered to help before I booked a flight, a hotel, or any form of transportation. But God knew what he was doing. I hopped over to my Spirit Airlines account and found a flight for $46 roundtrip. Yet, God faithfulness continued. The more I learn about God the more I realize he doesn’t expect us to be ready he only wants us to be willing. I have a friend from college who lives with his family in Baltimore, Maryland. I gave him a call and asked him for ideas. A week before my flight, he offered for me to stay at his parents. I had a place to stay, for free! God continued to work through my “yes”. And things continued to fall into place.

Handing out signs

During the March, I worked alongside amazing advocates for life from across the country. Due to recent political climate, hundreds of thousands of people showed up for the march for life. We handed out signs the shared the message of purpose.

  • #whywemarch “For those who can’t”
  • “To tell the truth about what it means to be human”
  • “Abortion stops one heart and breaks another”

The words were written on a field of baby blue gave purpose to the gathering. I don’t know who was affected by our presence. Standing on the street corner and handing out free signs seems like a small gesture. I wonder if any of the young teenage girls and boys will think differently about the way they approach their friends or remember the words next time they experience a crisis. You can never fully know what difference you are making in the world this side of heaven, but I can promise you that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion (Phil. 1:6).

Why I am Pro-Life. Save the Storks and March for Life

Standing up for Those Who Cannot Speak for Themselves

We are all on a journey. Living life for God in the best way we can, learning to trust his faithfulness, and listen to his voice. I am pro-life because I have a heart for the vulnerable. I am called to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

What is your story? Why are you here? Whatever God is revealing to you in this moment, I pray you act on it. I pray he uses you to save lives.

Elizabeth Tomaszewski was homeschooled and graduated in 2015. She works for Summit Ministries over the summer and has a blog called Notes of a Traveled Soul. She loves to travel and study. This fall she will be studying abroad in Oxford, England and majoring in international studies. Oh, and her favorite color is blue. 🙂
From Gena:
I learned about Save the Storks last summer, and absolutely loved the idea of the Stork buses. I have decided to donate some of the proceeds of sales from my store to Save the Storks. Thanks for helping these women and their babies!
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