Our first pet ~ Praying mantis
This past weekend we acquired our first pet–a praying mantis! My husband found it in our front yard. He said he has never seen one in its natural habitat before. So, we first had it in a pickle jar. We fed it a butterfly, a moth and a cricket, which were also caught in the yard. The pet store was closed on Labor Day, so yesterday the kids and I bought a larger cage and some crickets for it. As soon as we transferred it to the larger cage, it clung to the top and hasn’t moved. It has had crickets and moths to eat but hasn’t eaten anything. I figured it must be dying. But I just did some research and found out that a praying mantis molts every two weeks. It will stop eating and just hang there–so that must be what’s going on. Well, it’s an interesting learning experience anyway. Maybe we should name it!
What a fun pet! It’ll be fun to watch! (And won’t pee on the carpets!!!!)
I’m glad I’ve come across your kids…..I loved the entry about people commenting on how many kids you have…..I get that alot. And I agree….after 3…..it’s almost easier!!! lol
Have a great weekend!
I was so happy to come across your blog. We have much in common… Lots of little blessings, for one – I have four boys (twins-5, 2, 8 months) and one daughter (4),
I look forward to visiting often.
In Him,
P.S. Your little ones are adorable!!