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Review of

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I am now a reviewer with the Schoolhouse Review Team and have received an annual membership/ the yearly membership option to  So, I’d love to share a review of with you today.

A couple of weeks ago I started browsing around the site.  Even though I had heard about quite a while ago, I had never explored what it had to offer.  Let me tell you–there’s a lot there!

You’ll find resources for all ages:  Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, and High School.

You’ll find lots of resources for moms, including planners and e-books.

There are lesson plans, classes, videos, links, and handouts–all taught and compiled by expert teachers.


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And here are a few other things you’ll find:  member-only discounts from companies, how to create a high school transcript, back issues of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, a “library” where you’ll find some wonderful book choices (we found a couple of Christmas book ideas here from the December Reading List), and “Dailies.”

Dailies are short lessons that change every day. Some subjects you will see here are grammar, spelling, writing, Bible, geography, math, and Copywork.

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Here is a list of some of the subjects (including some very unique electives) covered at art, drama, Shakespeare, foreign languages, history, geography, science, nutrition, math, sewing, economics, film-making, logic, photography, worldviews, music, and more!

The music section was really interesting to me.  There were lessons for singing, violin, guitar, and recorder.  The singing class is meant to be for families to do together!

I tried out two separate lessons with my kids: Spanish and Shakespeare.

My 4th grade daughter is studying Spanish this year, so we decided to use the Spanish lessons for the last 2 weeks. The teacher is Carol Henderson, who has lots of teaching experience. She posts a new video lesson (every two weeks). She keeps adding new lessons, but we went to the archives so we could start with Spanish from the beginning. Handouts were also provided for each video lesson, as well as a homework page to be completed before watching the next lesson. I was pleased with the teaching. She had good pronunciation and taught well. She used visual aids which were helpful. The handouts were very nicely done and added to the quality of the lesson. I think going back to the basics was helpful to my daughter, and we’ll plan on using these lessons along with our other Spanish curriculum.

Watching the Spanish lesson on the site:
Queen E 029

One of the Worksheets provided for the Spanish lesson:
Band Concert, 015

Another lesson we did was on Shakespeare. My 2 oldest sons are in a drama class where they are performing “The Seussification of Dr. Seuss.” My boys are quite familiar with Dr. Seuss, as I have read his books from the time they were small. But we have never studied Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. I had thought we would just read through the play. But I found a great lesson on that we decided to do instead. It recommended reading the version in Lamb’s Tales From Shakespeare. The lesson plans have great discussion questions, and even Scripture to look up to see how the events in the story line up there. It included information about phrases found in the play that we still use today and suggestions for props and costumes in order to stage it.

Band Concert, 017

I’m glad to have an annual membership to  The yearly membership option has a discounted rate of $139, or you can get the first month to try it out for only $3 (with a $12.95 monthly fee thereafter).  We’ll be heading there often to check out what’s new and to find things to help us make our homeschool better!

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One Comment

  1. Okay, now I’m excited about going through the Shakespeare course! We have that very book in our family library. It sounds like the course will work beautifully with The Noah Plan Literature Curriculum Guide I have on hand, too. Thanks for sharing!

    Heather with Principled Academy/the TOS Review Crew

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