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5 Ways to Use the Get2Fit Journal to Reach Your Health Goals

As I write this post, I’m starting to focus on the new health goals I’d like to reach in 2018. I’m so excited that my friend Kathy Gossen of Cornerstone Confessions has just published a new paperback journal called the Get2Fit Journal that is designed to guide me in doing just that. Let me share with you today. . .

5 Ways to Use the Get2Fit Journal to Reach Your Health Goals!

Get2Fit Fitness Journal for Women

Built-in Goal-Setting

One of the neatest things about the Get2Fit Journal is that it is designed to be used for 12 weeks. You’ll start out the new year knowing that this won’t be a quick fix and making decisions for what you’ll be doing for the next 3 months to get healthier.

One of the first things you do in the Get2Fit Journal is to fill out your 12-Week Goals. What are you going to do for your workouts, for nutrition, for your mind, and other goals? How are you going to stay motivated?

I love there is a page for measuring yourself. Get out the tape measure and do it! Then, you’ll see how far you’ve come when you re-measure on day 28, day 56, and at the end!

Get2Fit Journal A 12-Week Fitness Journal for Women

Built-in Accountability

There are 12 weeks worth of blank exercise and food logs. When you write down what you do each week and each day, you’ll see patterns and ways to make changes to keep going. You’ll also be able to plan ahead, such as knowing what to get at the grocery store in order to make those healthy meals and which days you’ll be able to exercise that won’t interfere with a special family activity you have planned.

Kathy also encourages you to get a support system. Will it be a workout buddy, an exercise class, an online forum? One of my favorite ways to exercise is with an online Pilates Sisterhood called The Balanced Life Online.

Get2Fit Fitness Journal for Women.

Built-in Motivation

Checking off boxes is a great way for many of us to stay motivated. Not all of us, I know. But, if that’s you, there are lots of different “boxes” to fill in as well as spots to check, such as with the Nutrition Tracker where you check off how many veggies, fruits, protein, grains, dairy, fats, and supplements you consume each day.

I have to admit that one of my biggest motivators is a reward that I’ll get for reaching a goal. You get to write down those, too!

Get2Fit Journal A 12-Week Fitness Journal for Women


Built-in Reflection

Each week has an entire page called Inspirational Quotes and another page called Notes for you to reflect on the past week. What were your successes and your setbacks? Write it out. Figure out how to make next week better, and don’t give up!

I also love the emoji’s sprinkled through so you can see how you’re feeling each day about the work-out and about your progress.

Another thing that’s included is a spot to write what you’re thankful for. Perfect!

Each week ends with a Weekly Wrap-Up where you write down if you achieved your weekly goal, how you’d rate your effort, what you’ll do differently next week, how you’re feeling, one thing you appreciate about your strong body, next week’s ONE fitness goal, next week’s reward for reaching that goal, your weight, and pounds lost.

Get2Fit Journal A 12-Week Fitness Journal for Women

Built-in Inspiration

Sprinkled throughout the Get2Fit Journal are quotes specially chosen to keep you motivated and inspired, such as:

The day you put your goal in writing is the day it becomes a commitment that will change your life. ~Tom Hopkins 

Get2Fit Fitness Journal for Women.

Details about the Get2Fit Journal

  • Paperback book (about the size of a novel)
  • 270 pages
  • $13.99 on Amazon Prime
  • Pretty layout and fonts

Get2Fit Fitness Journal for Women.


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    (Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of the Get2Fit Journal in order to write an honest review here.)
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