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Books read in 2008

Here are the books I read in 2008:

Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Chancy and MacDonald (If you’re struggling with being a housewife, this book will encourage you!)

Home to Holly Springs by Jan Karon (I love all the Mitford books.)

Shop, Save and Share  and
A Tip a Day With Ellie Kay (Great money-saving ideas.  The latter book is new, so it has some wonderful web links.)

The Tightwad Gazette by Dacyczyn (a classic)

The Hot Zone by Preston (A non-fiction book written as a rivoting story about the ebola virus.  It’s going to be frightening if this virus begins to spread.)

The Heart of Anger by Priolo (I need to read this again!)

Homeschooling With a Meek and Quiet Spirit (one of my favorites)

The Facts on the King James Only Controversy by Ankerberg and Welton

Unveiling Islam by Caner and Caner (Excellent–everyone needs to read this one.)

Rocking the Roles:  Creating a win-win marriage (A great book to learn how to have a biblical marriage.)

In addition, I read quite a bit of the Bible, but not all of it which was my goal.  And I read many, many books to my kids!

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