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Giveaway: Crafty Classroom R.E.A.D. Curriculum Notebook & Review Pack ($40 value)

READ Bundle giveaway

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.

Crafty Classroom:

I’m excited to tell you about the newest curriculum bundle from Crafty Classroom–and to be giving away a set! It’s a $40 value. The winner will receive both the Crafty Classroom R.E.A.D. Curriculum Notebook and R.E.A.D. Review Pack. R.E.A.D. stands for “Ready, Eager, Able, and Determined” to read!

I have a review of the Crafty Classroom R.E.A.D. Curriculum Notebook here if you’d like to learn more about it. I think it will be perfect for my kindergarten-aged daughter to use this next school year. See her starting it in the photo below.

Details about Crafty Classroom R.E.A.D Curriculum Notebook

  • 785 pages
  • 4 Days a Week over 36 Weeks
  • One Word Family per week
  • 2-3 Sight Words per week
  • Beginning Blends cycle every fifth week
  • 60-page Interactive Grammar Notebook
  • Weekly Writing Prompts
  • Science Sequencing & Drawing Activities
  • Daily Warm Up Activities
  • $25
  • See samples here

Details about Crafty Classroom R.E.A.D Review Pack

  • 28 Early Readers covering phonics and sight words
  • Covers 30+ word families and 70 sight words
  • $15
  • See samples here

Enter the Giveaway

(Update: Giveaway is completed.)

One blessed winner will get both the Crafty Classroom R.E.A.D. Curriculum Notebook plus the Review Pack early readers (digital download). Enter on the Rafflecopter app below. The contest ends Thursday, June 22, and the winner will have 24 hours to respond to my email.


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  1. Awesome giveaway!!! I have been looking at using this for my youngest daughter when she starts Kindergarten.

  2. I would love to purchase the Play Dough Activity Binder. My younger daughter is 5 and she loves play dough. We’re also working on learning to read.

  3. Rachel Tankersley says:

    Learning to read is definitely one of our main goals for our daughter.

  4. Mary Joanne Ruth Lao says:

    Would love to try the B4K, and the Bible ABC review pack… and the shapes and pen control.. hahaha

  5. jessica m says:

    I would love to purchase the Bible ABC Curriculum Notebook!

  6. I would love to purchase the READ curriculum. I keep looking at it to possibly use for my 5 year old.

  7. I am probably going to buy it if I don’t win it in one of these giveaways. 😉 Thank you for the opportunity!

  8. Susana Rucker says:

    Yay! I REALLY hope I win!
    Your ABC curriculum set looks amazing..So glad to be able to have access to these wonderful sources.

  9. I really like Crafty Classroom lesson plans and colors – very capturing for visual learners.

  10. Christie Miller says:

    I have been eyeing the Writing Bundle for a while. I think I will get it this summer.

  11. I’d love the learn to write a paragraph pack.

  12. Danielle Hull says:

    Definitely the READ curriculum! I am so bored with what I’ve used to teach my other kids 🙂 And I have two to go!

  13. Rachel Cap says:

    I’d love to use this with my kindergartner!

  14. This looks like a great curriculum, I would love to win it! Good luck everyone )

  15. The USA mazes by Crafty Classroom look like they would be a lot of fun as additional things to add to our history lessons. <3 Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  16. Faye Yarbrough says:

    I would be happy trying any and all of these, but, can’t buy right now. Would love to try the USA activity book for my 3 Children, 7,9 and 13 (autistic).

  17. I am very interested in the READ curriculum.

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