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Happy 14th Anniversary!

Fourteen years ago today was one of the happiest days of my life!  I finally married the man I KNEW I would marry after only our first date.


We had been dating for a year, and the days were stretching on.  I was getting anxious.  But then he proposed (see our proposal story), and through my joyful tears I said yes!

That was on July 26.  I had just started a new job, as an elementary music teacher, so I had to ask my boss for some time off for our honeymoon.  It seemed that the most logical time to take off and not miss much school was around Columbus Day.  And that meant we only had 2 1/2 months to plan the wedding!

The planning went into high gear, and I soon found out that my husband-to-be cared about EVERY detail, even the china pattern!  So, we had a few “adjustments” to make, but we got it all done.  And, it was beautiful!

We had a record number of wedding showers in a short period of time.


And, we had some heavy-duty pre-marital counseling with a Christian counselor. He was also a pastor and performed our wedding ceremony.


One of the best additions was the big band that we hired for the reception.  (They were so cheap–I was surprised they were so good!)  I fulfilled a dream and sang with them–“Misty” and “Embraceable You.”  Ahhh–such good memories.



So, how do you stay happily married for 14 years?
1. Sacrifice for the other.
2. Never go to bed angry (even if you have to stay up until 2 a.m. talking–we’ve done that!).
3. Study your spouse and do what you can to show love for them.

Linked to friday favorite things | finding joy


marriage mondays




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One Comment

  1. This was sweet, Gena! Whew… 2 1/2 month engagement? I’ll bet you were busy! I like the shorter engagements, too. I loved reading about your proposal story, as well.

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