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Middle and High School Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 2024-2025

The 2024-2025 school year is our 19th year of homeschooling (if I start counting in 2005 when my youngest started homeschooling kindergarten)! I still have four kids at home homeschooling. One in middle school (7th grade) and three in high school (9th, 11th and 12th grades). Take a look at my Middle and High School Homeschool Curriculum 2024-2025!

Middle and High School Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 2024-2025

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2024-2025 Homeschool Curriculum for Middle and High School

Video Reviews

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Homeschool Curriculum Choices for T ~ 12th Grade

Language Arts: English Composition 1 at community college (1st semester)

Cultural Geography: at community college (1st semester)

Foreign Language: Conversational Spanish at community college (both semesters)

College Success Seminar: at community college (1st semester)

Physical Education: at home (weight-lifting, biking, pickleball, tennis) (both semesters)

Computer Science: online at home CS50 Introduction to Computer Science online from Harvard

Other: working at Duck Donuts, volunteer work at CYT (Christian Youth Theater)

Fix It! Grammar Mowgli and Shere Khan from IEW

Homeschool Curriculum Choices for L ~ 11th Grade

Language Arts: IEW Fix It Grammar Level 4 on her own, Literature using Tapestry of Grace Rhetoric Year 2 (read-alouds and discussions with Mom: The Song of Roland, Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Canterbury Tales, Dante Commedia, sonnets, Medieval plays, Much Ado About Nothing, The Tempest, Pilgrims Progress, poetry, Sense and Sensibility), Composition and Public Speaking classes at our homeschool co-op

History and Geography: Tapestry of Grace Rhetoric Year 2 (discussions with Mom)

Foreign Language: Spanish 3 live online class with Living Waters Spanish (Be sure to tell them I referred you – Gena Mayo – if you enroll!)

Living Waters Spanish live classes combine Spanish learning with the Bible and missions!

Science: Life Prep High School Physics live online class with College Prep Science

College Prep Science for the homeschooler's rescue!

Math: Mr. D Math ~ Algebra 2 self-paced online class

Elective: Future-Bound Literature Class at Friday co-op (We will be doing a future-focused theme to help prepare the HS Students for what God is calling them to! This class is for those serious about contemplating and discussing their future after HS. They will explore the spiritual, career, and practical aspects of the life God is directing them to in just a few short years. There are fewer selections this year in order to give us time to dig in deeper into reading and conversation. This will also allow us to implement special curricula and/or invite visitors to speak to the class. There are 2 months (November and March) where a general literature book can be chosen. This will offer a good ole’ classical reading experience and give them a little break from the more intensive work of the Future Focused months. Books we’ll read include Do Hard Things, How Then Shall We Live?, What Color is Your Parachute?)

Bible: John Inductive Bible Study from 4OneMore with Mom during Morning Time

Gospel of John Bible Study for Teens

Current Events: Worldwatch News with Mom during Morning Time

Physical Education: Dance classes at CYT Chicago

Fine Arts/Theater: 2 or 3 musical theater shows plus theater classes with CYT Chicago

Homeschool Curriculum Choices for I ~ 9th Grade

Language Arts: IEW Fix It Grammar Level 4 on his own, Literature using Tapestry of Grace Rhetoric Year 2 (read-alouds and discussions with Mom: The Song of Roland, Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Canterbury Tales, Dante Commedia, sonnets, Medieval plays, Much Ado About Nothing, The Tempest, Pilgrims Progress, poetry, Sense and Sensibility), Composition and Public Speaking classes at our homeschool co-op

History and Geography: Tapestry of Grace Rhetoric Year 2 (discussions with Mom)

Foreign Language: French live online class with Big River Academy.

Science: Life Prep High School Biology live online class with College Prep Science

Math: Mr. D Math ~ Algebra 1 self-paced online class

Elective: Future-Bound Literature Class at Friday co-op (We will be doing a future-focused theme to help prepare the HS Students for what God is calling them to! This class is for those serious about contemplating and discussing their future after HS. They will explore the spiritual, career, and practical aspects of the life God is directing them to in just a few short years. There are fewer selections this year in order to give us time to dig in deeper into reading and conversation. This will also allow us to implement special curricula and/or invite visitors to speak to the class. There are 2 months (November and March) where a general literature book can be chosen. This will offer a good ole’ classical reading experience and give them a little break from the more intensive work of the Future Focused months. Books we’ll read include Do Hard Things, How Then Shall We Live?, What Color is Your Parachute?)

Bible: John Inductive Bible Study from 4OneMore with Mom during Morning Time

Current Events: Worldwatch News with Mom during Morning Time

Music: Piano lessons and music theory with a piano teacher, singing with me using Throga online voice lessons

Physical Education: weightlifting, biking, running, tennis, and pickleball

Fine Arts/Theater: 1 or 2 musical theater shows plus theater classes with CYT Chicago

Art: on his own

Homeschool Curriculum Choices for E ~ 7th Grade

Language Arts: Literature read-alouds with Mom chosen by Tuesday co-op (related to Medieval History: Beowulf the Warrior retold by Ian Serraillier [library], Shadow Spinner by Susan Fletcher, A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park, Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! by Laura Amy Schlitz, The Canterbury Tales retold by Geraldine McCaughrean, A Proud Taste of Scarlet and Miniver by E. L. Konigsburg, Secret of the Andes by Ann Nolan Clark, and a choice book); IEW Fix It Grammar Level 4, and Lost Tools of Writing composition class at Friday co-op (using these books: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Call it Courage, Number the Stars, The Bronze Bow, Island of the Blue Dolphins, A Wrinkle in Time, Caddie Woodlawn, and Shiloh)

History and Geography: Mystery of History Volume 2 (read aloud at home with Mom, and meet once a week at Tuesday homeschool co-op for projects)

Science: Apologia General Science (read aloud at home with Mom, and meet once a week at Friday homeschool co-op for projects)

Math: Teaching Textbooks Math 7

Bible: John Inductive Bible Study from 4OneMore with Mom during Morning Time

Current Events: Worldwatch News with Mom during Morning Time

Music: Piano lessons and music theory with a piano teacher, Music Appreciation with Music in Our Homeschool Plus

Music in Our Homeschool Plus is the membership for homeschoolers in preschool through high school!

Spanish: with teacher at Friday co-op

Physical Education: Dance classes at CYT Chicago and online dance classes

Fine Arts/Theater: 3 musical theater shows and 3 theater classes with CYT Chicago

Art: Lily and Thistle: Art Makes Me Smart – The Math and Art Connection

Art Makes Me Smart- The Math and Art Connection from Lily & Thistle

Combining Multiple Ages in Our Homeschool for Morning Time 2024-2025

L, I, and E (7th – 11th grades):




  • E: Literature at Tuesday co-op
  • E: Lost Tools of Writing at Friday co-op
  • I and L: Writing 1st semester, Public Speaking 2nd semester, at Friday co-op
  • I and L: Tapestry of Grace literature at home
  • E, I, L: Grammar with IEW Fix It Grammar: Level 4
  • T: English Composition 101 at community college



  • E: Spanish at co-op
  • I: French 1 with Big River Academy (9-10:30 am Tuesdays, August 20, 2024 – May 6, 2025)
  • L: Spanish 3 with Living Waters Spanish (online 10:30am – noon Wednesdays, September 9, 2024 – May 9, 2025.)
  • T: Spanish at community college



  • L and I: Elective Future-Bound/Career Exploration Literature at co-op
  • T: Elective computer programming (online class at home)
  • L: Fine Arts musical theater classes/shows
  • I: Fine Arts piano lessons, singing, and musical theater classes/shows. Art on his own.
  • E: Fine Arts piano lessons and musical theater classes/shows. Lily and Thistle: Art Makes Me Smart online art class, Music in Our Homeschool Plus.
  • T and I: Physical Education weight-lifting, biking, running, tennis, and pickleball
  • L and E: Physical Education Dance at CYT and

2024-2025 Homeschool Schedule

This is my plan for this year. We start on August 21. Each year I make adjustments for what’s working or not after we get started. 🙂

Monday Morning Basket Time:

Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday

9:00-9:15 Worldwatch News (for all)

9:15-9:45 Bible (for all)

9:45-10:15 Mystery of History read-aloud (E)

10:15-10:45 General Science read-aloud (for E)

10:45-11:15 Literature read-aloud (for E)

Mondays: 11:15-11:45 Rhetoric Literature discussions for I and L

Thursdays: 11:15-11:45 Rhetoric History discussions for I and L


Homeschool co-op in the mornings with E. I and L have live online classes. Piano lessons for E and I in afternoons.


CYT drama and dance classes at night.


Homeschool co-op for E, I, and L from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

CYT show rehearsals at night.

What are you doing for your 2024-2025 Homeschool Curriculum? Please leave a comment below!

Books for Tapestry of Grace History (Year 2, Middle Ages through 1799):

I love getting used books from Amazon (free shipping with Prime) or Abe Books (many have free shipping).

Search on Abe here:




Our Homeschool Verses of the Year:

Hemeschool Verses of the Year free download

The homeschool verses of the year for 2024-2025 are:

  • Hebrews 12:1-3 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.”
  • James 1:19-20 ” Be quick to hear, slow to speak , slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”
  • Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Download your free copies here:

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