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Curriculum Review of Grapevine Bible Study

Today I’m happy to share with you a review of a new Bible Study my older boys started a few weeks ago called Grapevine Studies.

Specifically, it’s the Level 4 New Testament Survey.  I wanted my boys to get an overview of the whole New Testament as they studied the Bible this year.  Each week they read a portion of Scripture, take notes on it by drawing Stick Figures and other graphics to help them illustrate what happened, answer review questions, and study deeper by using specific resources such as a Bible Dictionary (Vine’s), a Concordance, and a Topical Bible (Nave’s).  It’s been different from other Bible studies they have done in that they are doing a lot of the study on their own.  It’s more open-ended rather than being completely laid out for them.  I really like this aspect since it is stretching them more.

Here are a copy of pages the boys did:

Grapevine Studies Bible Study

Grapevine Studies Bible Study

The part that I don’t like as much is that there is supposed to be teacher instruction, especially in the area of application.  I don’t have time to do that with them (wanted a self-study for their Bible study this year), so what I have done is have them look up the answers themselves in my teacher book.  I also have them write ways to apply the Scripture at the end of each section.

I do recommend this Bible study and look forward to doing it myself when I finish the other one I’m doing right now.  I’m sure my boys will really learn a lot this year!

Be sure go to the Grapevine Studies website to look at their free samples.  They have Bible studies for all ages for use in all different settings!  You’ll find what you’re looking for!



(Disclosure:  I received complimentary copies of New Testament Level 3-4 Teacher and Student e-books in exchange for this honest review.  I am also an affiliate of Grapevine Studies and this post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Thanks for your helpful homeschool info here–I enjoy learning about curriculum from you!

    1. You’re welcome. I hope it helps others learn about some great new products.

  2. Jennifer S says:

    I searched for materials on the book of Acts and found Level 1 Part 4 Acts to Revelation that may work great for my famiy this year!

  3. I’m curious about how to go about teaching a range of ages using 1 guide. After looking over the website, I didn’t find guidance about this. I do recall seeing (somewhere) that a the Teacher Guide for the oldest age should be used and then to use the age appropriate work books for the kids.

  4. Grapevine has monthly specials! I’ll be checking back next month, for sure!

  5. I love that they also have traceable stuff for younger ones.

    1. Those sound wonderful- I’ll have to try that with my younger kids too!

  6. We love Grapevine Studies. My little one likes the traceable & my oldest likes to draw his own. I like that my children are learning about the Bible and that they can do it together. I look forward to continuing with Grapevine as long as we can especially since it has levels for Teens & Adults. 🙂

    1. I haven’t done the younger ones–we have the adult version now. Will certainly try those!

  7. I have been looking at Grapevine Studies for quite a while. It seems like the stick-figure approach would be such a great way to help students with retention. I like how they have so many sample lessons available on their site. You can really see how the program would work.

  8. Katherine says:

    I love that they have traceables for my littlest one 🙂

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