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Review/Giveaway of “God Bless You & Good Night” by Hannah C. Hall

God Bless You & Good Night Picmonkey

What a sweet, precious book I have to share with you today: God Bless You & Good Night by Hannah C. Hall.

It’s a perfect book to read before bedtime. The board book is 20 pages long and features 10 different animals who are in various stages of getting ready for bed. The illustrations are precious.




You can check out several pages on the Flipbook.

If you have a baby or toddler in your life, be sure to enter the giveaway below. The winner will be chosen on October 1, 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in order to write this honest review. Post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. I love our bedtime routine and it includes reading books. I only have one bedtime book right now so I would love to add this one to our collection!

    1. Bedtime books are fun–I’ve been enjoying this one.

  2. Kayla Rice says:

    We always talk about what sweet dreams they are going to have. They had a few nightmares and after that we always talked about the fun happy things they would dream about. They love it and have not had a bad dream since. We also do bath time and story time each night before bed.

    1. I love that–and so glad they aren’t having nightmares anymore.

  3. Our bedtime routine is pretty lengthy. We start at 6:45pm with a snack and Bible Story or Devotion with the 4 kids. We put the baby to bed. We then read to our 3 year old and put him to bed. We then gather in our daughter’s room who is 5 and our 8 yr old son for “Big Kid book”. I read a chapter or so from a book. This summer we have gone through Charolette’s Web, Stewart Little, Trumpeter of the Swan Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, The Mouse and the Motorcycle, and now Runaway Ralph.

    After that we say “family prayer”.

    After that we do “private book”(this name coined by the kids not us) This is where we read a short library book or early reader or in our sons case maybe a part of an Imagination Station. The nights my DH is home we swap who reads to whom each night. All in all we are done by 9pm at the
    I cherish every moment of it. Of course we then have time to tie heart strings and tell the children how proud of something they did that day that maybe they had been struggling with. It’s a nice routine albeit some think it’s way too long in our ext

    1. I should add there is some space between Devotion and ” Big Kid Book”. They usually watch say a Curious George, play Legos or are drawing at the table for about 20-25 minutes

      1. Such a long, but dedicated time! I know it means so much to your kids! 🙂

  4. Not yet, but my son is only 6 weeks old 🙂

  5. Nicole Krutz says:

    my favorite part is that my 2 year old son and I cuddle and watch a movie for a little bit before bed

  6. Rebecca Parsons says:

    We change our clothes, brush our teeth and pick a story for mommy to read.

  7. ginger g. says:

    Well I’m due in Nov with our first child, so we don’t have a bedtime routine yet! I would like to have story time though 🙂

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