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How to Keep Homeschooling Through Difficult Times

We are entering a difficult season in my home. It’s happened a few times before, mostly during early pregnancy morning sickness or after a new baby is born. This time it’s because we are getting our house ready to get on the market and then moving to a new home! So, I’ve come up with a plan on How to Keep Homeschooling Through Difficult Times.

How to Keep Homeschooling Through Difficult Times

Below is my list of ideas to keep my kids learning, even when I’m occasionally unavailable for a month or so. These ideas are perfect for other difficult times as well:

  • chronic illness of mom or child
  • therapy for a child
  • cancer treatment
  • death in the family
  • care for an elderly parent
  • transitions during adoption, divorce, new baby, etc.

Some of the subjects my younger kids will be doing independently are handwriting with Handwriting Without Tears, Spelling with Spelling You See, math with Teaching Textbooks, and practicing their musical instruments (violin, recorder, and piano). My older kids (middle and high school) do all their schoolwork independently.

Here are the additional learning resources for my elementary students that we will be using during our difficult time:

Video Learning

Online Learning

Audio Learning

Here are some of my favorites for literature, history, and science:

Once we’re settled in the new house, I’ll resume my hands-on approach of reading aloud and working with them on notebooking, writing, and lapbooks for science, Bible, history, grammar, etc. But for now, they will still be getting a great education even when I’m spending my time packing, unpacking, and organizing!

Do you have some other great resources we could use? Please share in the comments!

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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