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It’s a boy!!!

As you might have guessed, since I’ve away for a while, our new addition is here.  Thank you so much for the prayers.  God, once again, worked out everything perfectly and answered every single one of my prayers.


We had 3 wonderful ladies who were able to babysit for us.  After the first lady came, my husband and I rushed to the hospital.  It was Wednesday at 4:20 p.m.–rush hour.  As we got closer to our hospital (and passed the two back-up hospitals) the contractions were getting closer and stronger.  My doctor’s office said, “If you don’t make it, just pull over and call 911.”  But I really didn’t want to deliver in our car!  So I kept praying, “Please let us make it to the hospital.”  For my last baby, I delivered 5 minutes after arriving in the delivery room.  This time it was 20 minutes!  Yeah!  My doctor knew it was coming fast; my nurse told me later that she didn’t have a clue.  (I dilated from 5 cm to delivery in about 15 minutes.)


So we have a precious new little boy!  He was 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 21 inches.  He’s nursing great and is already up to his birth weight.  So many blessings!  Praise the Lord!


Enjoy the pictures.


new baby

Dad and 5 kids

Dad with new baby

new baby

Mom with new baby

Mom and newborn baby

Siblings with new baby



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  1. reformingmama says:

    He is so cute!!! 🙂 What a precious gift from the hand of God.

    Thanks for sharing pictures!


  2. TwaddleMeNot says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a beautiful boy, and your whole family looks just wonderful! I’m so happy for you guys – I hope you get lots of rest and time to just enjoy your little newborn – it’s such a fun time!


  3. Love2BHome says:

    He is beautiful!! Loved seeing so many photo’s…it does give me that baby bug though. : – )

    About your post below, my oldest son went through a ‘can I really believe in God’ stage…it began about age 7 and thankfully is now over at age 10. Hang in there, keep immersing them in scripture, letting them see you pray to God. : ) One thing my boy liked was to realize that women naturally have 1 more rib set than men…medical proof of God!

  4. youngmommy says:

    Everyone looks so proud of their new baby brother (and son)! I would be too… he is adorable!!



  5. BarbaraFrank says:

    And what beautiful pictures of you and your family! Thanks for sharing your joy with photos.

    Hope your mom continues to improve. Isn’t it amazing how God gets us through things we never thought we could handle?

    I’ll be advertising your classes in my next IL newsletter,

    Take care,


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