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Jesse Tree Ideas

Jesse Tree Ideas

Each year on the Friday after Thanksgiving, we get out our “Jesse Tree” and begin our focus for the Advent season.

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What is a Jesse Tree?

Basically, a Jesse Tree is a way to teach how Jesus is the branch from the stump of Jesse (King David’s father).

Isaiah 11:1 says “Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse,  And a branch from his roots will bear fruit.”

How to Use

Each day we study a different person or event from Biblical history which led to the birth of Christ.  At some websites that are no longer available, I printed out pictures that represent what we’re studying.  I laminated them and they are the “ornaments” which we put on our Jesse Tree each day. But, I found a couple of other options: Proverbial Homemaker has Jesse Tree Brick Challenge (Lego) with printable ornaments here (you can use coupon code PHChristmas40 to get 40% off!) and Love at Home has Jesse Tree Devotional Copywork with graphics you can cut out for ornaments here.

On the back of each printable ornament, I wrote which Scripture to read about each day, laminated them, and punched a hole to put a yarn tie through.  I bought a tabletop artificial Christmas tree to put the “ornaments” on.  I researched several different websites and came up with my own version of what we would study each day.  Here it is:

Jesse Tree–My version

1.  Tree    Intro to Jesse Tree    Isaiah 11:1-10, Jer. 23:5-6, I Samuel 16:1-13

2.  Earth    Creation   Gen. 1 and 2

3.  Apple    The Fall    Gen. 3

4.  Ark    Noah/Judgment   Gen. 6:5-22, 7:17- 8:12, 8:20, 9:1, 9:8-9:13

5.  Field of Stars    Abraham/Covenant    Gen. 12:1-7, 15:1-6

6.  Ram    Isaac   Gen. 22:1-19

7.  Ladder    Jacob   Gen. 27:41   28:22

8.  Coat    Joseph  and Judah    Gen. 44:33, 45, 49:10

9.  Ten Commandments    Moses   Ex. 2:1 , 4:23, 12, 13:21-31, 19:1 , 20:20

10.  Trumpet    Joshua and Rahab   Josh. 1:1-11, 2, 6:1-20

11.  Sack of Grain    Ruth    book of Ruth

12.  Crown    Samuel (anointed kings)   I Sam. 3:1-21, 7:1 , 8:22, 9:15- 10:9

13.  Star of David    David/Kingdom Established    I Sam. 16:1-23, 17:58, II Sam. 5:1-5, 7:1-17

14.  Temple    Solomon/Temple Built     1 Kings 5:1-6, 6:11-14

15.  Hot Ember      Isaiah/Call to Holiness            Isa. 1:10-20, 6:1-13, 8:11-9:7

16.  Tears       Jeremiah/Exile                            Jer. 1:4-10, 2:4-13, 7:1-15, 8:22 – 9:11

17.  Wall    Nehemiah    Neh. 1:1 , 2:8, 6:15-16, 13:10-22

18.  Dove    John the Baptist   Luke 1:57-80, 3:1-20, 7:18-30

19.  Mom and Baby    Mary   Luke 1:26-38

20.   Hammer    Joseph    Matt. 1:18-25

21.  Stable    Jesus is Born    Luke 2:1-7

22.  Shepherd’s crook   Shepherds   Luke 2:8-20

23.  Star    Magi    Matt. 2:1-12

Other Versions of Jesse Tree

Of course, there are lots of different versions of the stories to tell and Scriptures to use for a Jesse Tree. I love the ornaments created by Gospel-Centred Parenting and their use of the Jesus Storybook Bible!

If you’d like some gorgeous hand-made ornaments made of wood, be sure to take a look at these:

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  1. Never heard of a Jesse tree before. Thanks for the idea.

  2. Aww – look at those cuties putting together that cute Jesse Tree! Pinning your post in case others would like to use your ideas and list of scriptures. Thanks!

  3. LOVE the focus on Christ at Christmas time =) I made up my own ‘Advent Tree’ that we have done the past few years. Thanks for sharing what you guys do with us all at Trivium Tuesdays!

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