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Little By Little

Sometimes I get an anxious feeling that I need to teach my children as much as possible as soon as possible.  For example, if God is teaching me something specific or I discover a great new passage in Scripture, I feel like I want my kids to know it NOW so they won’t have to wait until they’re my age.  But then I come back to reality and know that life doesn’t work that way.  The Lord teaches us things at certain times in our lives for a reason.  It’s quite possible I was “taught” these things earlier but it didn’t sink in because I wasn’t ready to learn it.



Here is a wonderful poem that is so encouraging about just being diligent and teaching our children daily little by little.  I found it in Karen Andreola’s book A Charlotte Mason Companion.  The author is unknown.



Little by Little


“Little by little,” an acorn said,


As it slowly sank in its mossy bed;


“I am improving day by day,


Hidden deep in the earth away.”


Little by little each day it grew;


Little by little it sipped the dew;


Downward it sent out a thread-like root;


Up in the air sprung a tiny shoot.


Day after day, and year after year,


Little by little the leaves appear;


And the slender branches spread far and wide,


Till the mighty oak is the forest’s pride.



“Little by little,” said a thoughtful boy,


“Moment by moment I’ll well employ,


Learning a little every day,


And not spending all my time in play;


And still this rule in my mind shall dwell,


‘Whatever I do, I will do it well.’


Little by little I’ll learn to know


The treasured wisdom of long ago;


And one of these days perhaps we’ll see


That the world will be the better for me.”


And do you not think that this simple plan


Made him a wise and useful man?

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One Comment

  1. CarpeBanana says:

    I am visiting some blogs and came across yours… I agree with your little by little post… the theme verse in our school is: Isaiah 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.

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