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Middle School Curriculum 84% off with Build Your Bundle

The Middle School Bundle at the “Build
Your Bundle” – Homeschool Edition
sale is almost to good to believe!
Hurry though, because the sale ends 7-28-14!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

$361.77 ONLY $59.00 Save: 84%
Your middle school students will tour the classical world and develop academic
excellence using our Middle School Bundle. This bundle features Learning
Language Arts Through Literature
, a Cathy Duffy Top 100 Pick, and two
science curricula, one of which is also a Cathy Duffy Top 100 Pick, as well
as your choice of a popular geography curriculum, a history timeline/book
of centuries, Renaissance and Reformation notebooking pages, a classical
music curriculum and famous composers notebooking pages, and a creative
writing collection that even “non-writers” will love!There are 2 products in Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 Pics in this bundle!

Buy more & save more! Purchase 2 pre-assembled bundles
and get the 3rd one 50% off! See site
for details.



Checkout the items in the Middle School Bundle:



Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Learning Language Arts Through Literature (Student
& Teacher for One Grade) – Retail: $59.99

Learning Language Arts Through Literature is a fully integrated language
arts program that teaches grammar, reading, spelling, vocabulary, writing
mechanics, creative writing, thinking skills and more. Real books are used
in the reading lessons, complete with vocabulary words, discussion questions
and a variety of activities. Reading real books instead of basal stories
makes reading a joy and the beginning of a lifelong adventure for your student.

Includes teacher book, review activities and assessments.

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

A Child’s Geography: Your Choice of Volumes- Retail

A Child’s Geography 3 Volume Series is a “living” geography curriculum.
Includes reproducibles in the form of copywork passages, copywork
templates, postcard templates, quizzes, world and continent maps,
recipes, and more.

Each volume in this series is a complete, stand-alone
Geography and History Curriculum!

Volume 1: A Child’s Geography: Exploring His Earth is
about getting to know what’s under our feet, over our heads and in
the world around us-the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere-and
then how to get around this world-maps, latitude and longitude.

Volume 2: A Child’s Geography: Explore the Holy Land
– Jump on a magic carpet and glide through the countries of the Middle
East, learning about the distinct cultures in the region known as
“The Holy Land.” As you explore the Holy Land you and your family
will delight in incredible, mysterious landscapes, hidden wonders
and beautiful peoples – all created in God’s image.

Volume 3: A Child’s Geography: Explore the Classical World
– Learn about the countries surrounding the sparkling Mediterranean
Sea, the birthplace of western civilization and the region known as
the “Classical World.” Study ancient civilizations and great empires
from what has been left behind and carefully preserved.

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Creation Astronomy: Study Guide to the Constellations – Retail $18.95

Want to refute the big bang theory? Here is the book that will help you
do it! This book is a valuable teaching resource. Includes easy to
follow lesson plans, a teaching outline for K-12, star chart of the
original 48 constellations, over 250 activities and experiments, vocabulary
list, recommended reading (not necessary to complete this study),
math activities, book reviews, reproducible sheets and much more!

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Cells; An Introduction to the Anatomy and Physiology of Animal Cells – Retail $14.95

This is a complete curriculum designed for ages 10-15. Includes both student
text and teacher’s activity guide, along with an activity section.

Topics include: The history of the discovery of cells, amino acids,
proteins, DNA discovery, translation, transcription, mRNA, tRNA, ribosomes,
chaperone proteins, lysosomes, enzymes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
bodies, docking proteins and protein synthesis inside endoplasmic
reticulum, the structure of the nucleus, and MUCH more!

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Heroines of the Past – Retail $17.00

An Inspiring Thirteen-Week Virtue Study Celebrating the Noble Deeds of Women
and Girls from History. This book is both a Bible study and a collection
of stories about historical women and girls. Each chapter has a story
about a righteous lady from the past, and then a study that digs into
God’s Word concerning the virtues demonstrated in the story.

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

The Picture Smart Bible: Old Testament – $39.00 Value

Picture-Smart Bible is a comprehensive overview of Biblical history, geography,
doctrine, important verses and major themes of each Bible book. In this
innovative Bible study program, an overview of an entire book is illustrated
on a single page. For every book of the Old Testament you study, you will
have a script to follow, a Master Drawing, and a Student Sheet.

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Beethoven Who – Retail $29.99

Take the mystery out of music. Beethoven Who will guide you and your family
into the wonders of music reading, music listening, and music making. Topics
include: The Elements of Music, Classical Music Your Child Will Love, Activities
to teach pitch, rhythm, form, dynamics, tempo, musical terms, etc., Heritage
Music Every Child Should Know – folk, patriotic, sacred, & more, Making
Music Together, Sharing Music with Others plus hundreds of external and
internal links and a glossary of Musical Terms.

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Creative Freewriting Adventure – Retail $18.95

Writing can be hard work. Good writing most often results from rewriting,
and much rewriting can make a writer weary. Since Philosophy
students create and refine one primary writing
assignment over the course of several weeks (supported by clear step-by-step
instructions and seven writing checklists), we created freewriting
exercises to offset their hard work with play. Using these exercises,
we discovered that even students who considered themselves “non-writers”
produced surprisingly creative work. No prep required.

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Jim Hodges Audio Books – Retail $90.00

Download the top 5 G.A. Henty Audio Books of all time! These exciting, historically
accurate, uplifting stories in complete, unabridged recordings by Jim Hodges
Productions will have your children begging for more! The titles include:
With Lee in Virginia, In Freedom’s Cause, Beric
the Briton
, For the Temple, and Winning His

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Famous Composers Notebooking Pages – Retail $5.95

This ebook of 286 notebooking pages contains 10 notebooking layouts in primary
and regular-lined formats for 28 famous composers. Type of images used varies.
Notebook cover, listening guide pages, and continuation pages included.

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Renaissance & Reformation Notebooking & Coloring Pages – Retail 9.95

Our growing e-collection of Renaissance & Reformation topical notebooking
pages (for people, events, places, discoveries/inventions, etc.) are bordered
with our themed Book of Centuries timeline/history borders and come in both
primary and regular-lined styles. Each topic has 11-15+ layouts.

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

History Timeline / Book of Centuries Notebooking
System – Retail 6.95

Make notebooking your history studies simple, quick, and fun! The themed
borders will give your child’s notebook an elegant, organized flair
giving him a great place to start recording his study through the
centuries. As your student adds their own timeline figures, maps, illustrations,
narrations, copywork, etc, the book will come to life.

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Math Mammoth Percent – Retail $3.20

Math Mammoth Percent teaches students to understand the concept of percent,
to calculate the percentage of a number, to figure discounts and sales tax,
to draw circle graphs, to differentiate between a percent of change and
a percent of comparison, and to know how to calculate both. The text is
suitable for grades 6 through 8, in what is often termed middle school.

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Teach Your Family to Play the Soprano Recorder – Retail $5.99

Looking for a great first instrument for your child? Soprano recorders are
inexpensive and easy to play. Marcia shows you how with “Teach Your Family
to Play the Soprano Recorder”, even if you don’t read music.

Click here to learn more!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

Keyboarding for the Christian School, Revised Edition (Grades 6 and up) – Retail $15.95

This book will help your middle school through high school student learn
touch typing through typing drills, timings, letters, envelopes, APA and
MLA reports (the ONLY book that features both), centering, proofreader’s
marks, and creating tables with a Biblical perspective, and more! Includes
textbook and resources for grading and assessment.

Click here to learn more!

Recommended for you and found at this price only at the
Build Your Bundle – Homeschool Edition Sale
in the Premium Products Section:Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!
*Not included in the Middle School Bundle, available for purchase individually at 60% off.


Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

*Lots of ways to save!

  1. When you purchase ANY 2 pre-assembled bundles you will get the 3rd
    pre-assembled bundle of equal or lesser value for 50% off!
  2. When you purchase ANY 2 “build your own” bundles you will get
    the 3rd “build your own” bundle of equal or lesser value for
    50% off!
  3. Tell your friends about the “Build Your Bundle” – Homeschool
    Sale using our referral system that is found on the top
    of the website
    ! When 10 of your referrals visit our site using your
    unique link, we will give you a code to save 10% off your total purchase!

*The B2G1 50% off offer applies to pre-assembled or “Build Your Own
Bundles only.
Discount taken off the lowes priced bundle. See site for complete details and FAQ.

Prefer to pick and choose what you want?
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!


(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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