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My first garden

This year I have finally taken the plunge to having my own garden.  My husband has been wanting me to get into gardening for years, but I’ve always found excuses–mostly my kids.  But if I continue to use that excuse, I’ll never start anything new!

So, I asked him if I could have the garden plot that’s closest to the house.  He put new garden mix in, put a 2-foot fence around (to keep out the pesky rabbits–and the kids, too, I guess!), and put a trellis in.  I planted cucumbers, sugar snap peas, bush beans, carrots, potatoes, lettuce , spinach and some flowers.  So far, so good!

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  1. JacqueDixonSoulRestES says:

    I was trying to locate the post I did on gardening as school…

    it's a great learning experience, and a great way to learn about God and many verses in the Bible, too.

    Have loads of fun!


  2. Anonymous says:


    Sounds like your garden is off to a great start! Congratulations on taking the plunge. I think you will enjoy it!

    I enjoyed your blog…and the link to the youtube. lapbook. My 4 year old thought it was very cool!


    mama to 6

    one homemade and 5 adopted

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