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New Missionary

Today my friend Suzanne is getting on a plane for Ghana, Africa.  She’s going to be serving as a missionary there for 3 years!  It’s been so exciting to see all the preparations in the last few years–taking classes, sharing her testimony and raising support.  And it’s hard to believe she’s finally going. 

It’s also wonderful for my kids to have known her for the last few years and to be able to see what a "real" missionary is going to do halfway across the world.  Suzanne has a blog if you’d like to check it out:  She also still needs a little bit more money for her monthly support.  If your family doesn’t have a missionary to support, you might consider Suzanne.  She’s wonderful and will be serving the Lord in a great way!

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One Comment

  1. Thank you for sharing a link to her blog. I'm ashamed to admit that I never knew anything about slave castles until reading her "fictitious" story.

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