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Nature Study

I love doing nature study (part of the Charlotte Mason method), but I’m still trying to get better at it.  I definitely suffer from "nature deficit disorder" and have to force myself to go outside sometimes.  However, since having children I really have had my eyes opened to the beautiful world God has provided us.  I’ve learned the names of flowers and trees and can recognize many birds’ songs. 

I highly recommend the book A Pocketful of Pinecones by Karen Andreola.  It’s written both as a fun story of a mom doing nature study with her kids and as a primer to teach a mom how to do nature study with her kids!  (A "living book" for moms.)  I just finished re-reading it and realized that even though we can’t go outside right now because of the weather, we can draw nature that we see in our house.  So, we drew our Christmas poinsettias!

Drawing by by 6 yo son:

Drawing by 8 yo son:

Drawing by me:

This was in January.  Since then, we have done one drawing per week.  Drawing is a great way to really observe the nature.  But it will be nice to get outside to do it again soon!

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