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Step-By-Step Plan for Organizing a Holiday Craft Fair

Every year our church hosts a craft fair where many students participate as vendors. Not only is it a wonderful way for kids (and adults!) to use their creative skills in making something, they are also learning entrepreneurship. The vendors donate some of their profits as well, so the craft fair is a supporting a carefully chosen ministry or charity. Furthermore, the items being sold at the holiday craft fair are perfect Christmas gifts, so shoppers love them! I’m happy to share with you today a step-by-step plan for organizing a Holiday Craft Fair.

Step-By-Step Plan for Organizing a Holiday Craft Fair #holidaycraftfair #christmascraftfair #craftfair #ichoosejoyblog

Find a Location

First, you’ll want to choose a location that has a large room where lots of tables can be set up for your holiday craft fair. If there is a kitchen nearby, that’s even better so you can sell food or hot drinks to keep shoppers there even longer.

Step-By-Step Plan for Organizing a Holiday Craft Fair

Find a Date

You’ll hopefully find a date that works for your location during the shopping season of the day after Thanksgiving through about a week before Christmas. Weekend dates are ideal, but evenings will work as well.


First, you’ll need to advertise to find vendors. Then, you’ll need to advertise to get shoppers. Encourage the vendors to invite everyone they know (through social media, email, or even snail mail). Print fliers to put up wherever possible.

Here’s an example, from our Craft Fair this year. If you’re in the area (Gurnee, Illinois), come see us!

Craft Fair Lakeland church example for advertising a craft fair. See the full post for step-by-step plan for organizing a holiday craft fair. #holidaycraftfair #craftfair #christmascraftfair #ichoosejoyblog

Registration Form

On the registration form, be sure to give details about when and where to set up and when clean-up must be completed by. Requiring a deposit (refundable after clean-up is complete and the donation has been made) is a great way to get committed vendors. Let them know exactly what size table they will be receiving (or if they need to bring their own). Also, have them specify exactly what they will be selling so you don’t get duplicate items. Finally, you’ll need to let the vendors know how payments will be made. Do they need to take care of all payments themselves? Will it be “cash only?”

Choose a Ministry or Charity to Support

Each year our church’s craft fair committee chooses a different ministry or charity to support. The vendors contribute 10% of their profits at the end of the day.

Types of “Crafts” to Sell:

There are so many different types of “crafts” that you can encourage vendors to sell.

  • Bags
  • Ornaments
  • Baby items

Planning a Holiday Craft Fair with Christmas ornaments to sell #craftfair #holidaycraftfair #ichoosejoyblog

  • Stuffed toys
  • Jewelry

Step-By-Step Plan for Organizing a Holiday Craft Fair jewelry for sale #ichoosejoyblog #craftfair #holidaycraftfair

  • Knit or crocheted items
  • Artwork
  • Handmade soaps, body butters, etc.

Planning a Holiday Craft Fair with Crocheted items to sell #ichoosejoyblog #craftfair #holidaycraftfair

  • Dolls
  • Games
  • Sewn Items

Planning a Holiday Craft Fair with sewn items to sell #holidaycraftfair #craftfair #ichoosejoyblog

  • Wooden signs
  • Decorative items for the home

Planning a Holiday Craft Fair with Christmas decorations to sell #holidaycraftfair #craftfair #ichoosejoyblog

  • Items from companies such as Young Living, Pampered Chef, Usborne, Avon, etc.
  • Kits for kids (crafts, school supplies, small toys or games)
  • Jarred soup, hot chocolate, or other mixes
  • Baked goods (cupcakes, Christmas cookies)
  • Frozen meals

Other Special Features of a Successful Craft Fair

Sell lunch so that shoppers don’t go hungry.

Have a group offer to serve by setting up a gift-wrapping station. This is a perfect ministry for the youth group to do at a church craft fair!

Planning a Holiday Craft Fair with Gift Wrapping Station #craftfair #holidaycraftfair #ichoosejoyblog

Have live musical entertainment throughout the day. This will bring in even more shoppers who want to hear a group perform.

Debrief and Evaluate

It’s important to do a debriefing with the holiday craft fair planning committee and get evaluations from the vendors. If you can get evaluations from some of the shoppers as well, even better. Use all the information to make the next year’s craft fair even better!

What other tips do you have for planning a holiday craft fair? Please share in the comments below.

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(This giveaway has ended.)

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  1. Rebecca Lofton Altman says:

    It would be a blessing to win the $500
    Giveaway! It would help us to provide Christmas presents for our 4 children!

  2. Linda Kish says:

    I would be able to buy my son the camcorder that he needs.

  3. I have two young nieces who I could use the money to buy them gifts and baby/toddler supplies!

  4. Jasie Desta says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  5. Jasie Desta says:

    We could really use it to pay off some bills.

  6. We would pay down some bills. It’s been really tight.

  7. My daughter is in college this year so money is real tight for us. This would bless our family and allow us to get some much needed clothing that our son seems to outgrow overnight. 🙂

  8. $500 would help us pay rent! It would be such a huge blessing and gift from God if we win.

  9. This would be an awesome blessing!

  10. Erin van Outer says:

    Having experienced many setbacks during the 2nd half of this year $500 dollars would enable us to buy Christmas presents for our children and each other or give us the means to pay for our daughters medical supplies which would free up money to buy Christmas presents and Christmas dinner.

  11. books! who couldn’t use them?

  12. Dawn Monzu says:

    Oh good Lord, this money would bless my family so much. I don’t want to give a sad, sob story, but to be honest, I’m not working right now because of an illness. So, Christmas is still going to be wonderful, but just with less material junk. This money would help with the dinner and so much more! God bless everyone and Happy Holidays.

  13. Stephanie says:

    We’ve had some stressful, unexpected expenses (medical/car), and we’re trying to figure out Christmas on top of regular expenses. Thanks for the opportunity!

  14. $500 would really help keep our lights and gas on my husband is a vet and hasn’t been able to work while he’s been getting help and I have to stay home with our 4 kids. Thank y’all for this opportunity 🙂

  15. Cs Christensen says:

    My son wants a gaming system. Its expensive. That would get it. Thanks fir giveaway.

  16. $500 would be an amazing blessing to our family this holiday! I would use it to buy gift for my 2 kids and my mother.

  17. If I win I would gift it to mu daughter who is working hard to make ends meet.

  18. Amy Willison says:

    We could make sure we all have Bibles and other spirit builders. We are a family of ten plus so it would help with Christmas too!

  19. Thank you so much for offering such a generous giveaway. I would use the money to buy Christmas gifts.

  20. This would bless our family in that we could buy Christmas gifts and something special for Christmas dinner. I might also be able to buy some materials for second semester for school.

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