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Our 2014-15 Homeschool Schedule

Homeschool Schedule 2014-15


Our 2014-15 Homeschool Schedule is going to be a work in progress, but I knew I needed to have something to help guide me as we get started and see what works.

The kids will be 8th grade (B), 7th grade (J), 6th grade (M), 3rd grade (R), 2nd grade (T), 1st grade (L), preschool (4 years-I), and toddler (2 years-E).  It will definitely be our most complicated year yet!

My oldest son wants to audition for all 3 Spotlight Youth Theater shows this year.  That requires a class each week, plus rehearsals Friday nights and Saturday afternoons.  The others will pick and choose which shows they want to do, but will probably do the classes all year.  We’ll be in the Institute for Cultural Communicators public speaking class twice a month.  The 3 oldest kids will be in band at Westlake Christian Academy (2 different bands, plus lessons).  Five kids will take violin lessons, four or five will take piano lessons, 1 in saxophone lessons, and 2 in drum lessons.  I really should start teaching them voice lessons, too.  Eeek!

I’m actually glad we are in the Tapestry of Grace Fellowship Group this year because it will push all of us to get the week’s assignments due even if we are tired from all the other activities we are doing.

Our Schedule:

(Wednesday mornings are the Tapestry group.)

6:00 I get up, do devotions, get ready, and exercise.  My husband and band kids get up and get ready.

7:00 Husband and band kids leave.  He rest of the kids get up and eat breakfast.  Chores and start dinner.

8:00 Written work for everyone.  Help them as needed (math, handwriting, grammar, writing, geography, science notebooks).  (Pick up kids from band on Mondays and Wednesdays.)

9:00  All About Reading lesson with R.  (Pick up kids from band on Tuesdays and Thursdays.)

9:30 Reading and phonics lessons with T, L, and I

10:00 Bible lesson for kids preschool through 6th grade (Finish “Jonah” Sword Study from, then Who is God? from Apologia and Grapevine Studies of Old Testament) and Science reading (Apologia Exploring Creation With Astronomy). On Fridays, we’ll do the Science experiments/projects.

11:00 All About Spelling lesson with R.

11:30 Lunch and chores

12:00 Free time

1:00 Toddler to bed

1:15-2:15 Read-Alouds of history and literature (Tapestry of Grace books.)

2:15 Science lesson with 3 middle school kids.  Help kids with math and check older kids’ work.

3:30 music lessons and practice; work on housework, office work, school planning, and blogging; Speech class on Thursdays, Drama class on Tuesdays, Spotlight rehearsals on Fridays.

5:30 Dinner and chores

8:00 Kids get ready for bed.  Husband read to older boys.  I read to younger kids.

9:00 Lights out for kids

10:00 Lights out for husband and me

Busy times!!!

(Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.)

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  1. Wow! We have a special needs son and I will use it towards therapeutic horseback riding lessons.
    Thanks for the chance.

  2. My husband is going back to school and we’re barely squeaking by. I’d put it in savings and use it for backup. Maybe we could use $50 for a little family fun night!

  3. I would use the money to help pay for some educational field trips that I would love to take this kids on this year. We don’t have a lot of wiggle room in the budget for extras, so this would definitely be a blessing! Thanks and good luck everyone! 🙂

  4. This would be such a blessing for our family. So much of our income goes to pay medical bills for my lyme disease. This money would be such a help to provide what I need to stay strong enough to thrive at homeschooling my 3 little ones!

    1. Oh, Amber. I’m so sorry about the lyme disease. I wish everyone could win!

  5. It will enable me to expand our curriculum and extra-curriculur options.

    1. Some of the greatest curriculum comes with a high price tag!

  6. This would be such a blessing to us. Our local homeschooling group has so many educational and fun field trips but we haven’t been able to participate because of finances. Winning this money would allow us to participate.

  7. This giveaway would help our family tremendously. We just recently purchased our first home so bills are tough right now.

  8. We have been spending a ton of money on medical and dental expenses lately… much more than was ever anticipated. This would be such a help! Thank you for the chance!

  9. This is such a GREAT GIVEAWAY!! This would be so nice to win. School clothes are expensive when you have to buy for more than one!!

  10. I would use this money to help pay for bills and groceries.

  11. I would use the money for basic school supplies and we need a microscope and science supplies 🙂

  12. Heather O says:

    This is our first year homeschooling and the cost of all the curriculum/kits/etc can be overwhelming! It would be nice to have some extra money to splurge on some “fun” learning activities for the kids to help balance the book/worksheet stuff

  13. Jessica Ferdon says:

    We would use it help with buying supplies like a microscope and field trips. Thank you!

  14. We are struggling financially; hubby lost his job last October and found one in May, but the pay is significantly less than what he was making. 🙁 We would use it to pay off over-due bills.

  15. Birdiebee says:

    I am thinking about homeschooling my granddaugther this fall due to some recent family tragedies and am looking at the Computer-Based Home Schooling Method as one part of homeschooling.

    1. I love how you are wanting to help your grand daughter. I pray it works out for you!

  16. Birdiebee says:

    Winning this giveaway will help me be able to set up a learning station and purchase a computer for my granddaughter.

  17. I feel like so many people are struggling financially. We aren’t wealthy, but we get by okay. I would use this money to bless other homeschoolers in our area who are having hard times. That’s the one thing I always wish I could do.

  18. $500 comes to about half of our gross monthly income as a single homeschooling parent of two. There is a lot of budgeting and sacrifice to make homeschooling as a single parent (one child being special needs) possible. So $500 would be an amazing blessing… I’d buy my youngest another pair of eyeglasses, start looking to getting my oldest the microscope she’s been saving for… so many possibilities.

    1. My mom was a single parent to my sister and me. I know first-hand the sacrifices. God bless you for homeschooling her!

  19. Michelle H says:

    I would use the $500 to help us pay monthly bills, since I stepped back a bit at my part-time work to focus on teaching the kids this fall. We’d probably also enjoy a nice dinner out as a family!

  20. Jennifer S says:

    This would go toward the down payment on braces for my oldest.

    1. I think we’re going to enter the braces journey this year, too.

  21. Winning this would help us get the books we will need for the next year and supplies. Also it would help us take field trips.

  22. Jennifer Neely says:

    I would use it to update our “classroom” that we have been trying to build in the attic 🙂

  23. It would help us with the hospital bills for the birth of our 3rd baby.

  24. You sure have a lot to keep organized this year! I love how you have so much music going on =)

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