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Nervous to Homeschool High School? You Can Do It with this self-paced course for parents!

Homeschooling High School self-paced course for parents

Disclosure: I received the self-paced course in exchange for writing this honest review. This post contains affiliate links.

Wow. I just finished taking the course “Homeschool High School: You Can Do It” from 7Sisters Homeschool and will be sharing a review about it today. It surprised me how helpful it was because I am homeschooling a high schooler this year and thought I had already done enough research on the subject!

Why “Homeschool High School: You Can Do It?”

So, let me just say:

  • If you are homeschooling a high schooler right now, you need to take this course.
  • If you are going to homeschool a high schooler soon, you need to take this course.
  • If you don’t think you want to homeschool for high school, you need to take this course.
  • If you are totally freaking out about homeschooling high school, you need to take this course!

“Homeschool High School: You Can Do It”

The actual self-paced course is not too long or difficult. It’s through a membership area of the 7Sisters Homeschool website. You receive a password and can get in to see the 15 lessons that are available. Each lesson has its own page and contains 3 elements: much of the lesson material is written out, links to resources and/or websites, and a video of Vicki teaching about the subject.

Here is how I did it. I needed to clean out the room where I store all of our homeschool books: dust, declutter, organize. So, I played each video while I took books of the shelves and wiped the dust off. (The reason it was so dusty in there is another story!)

The Videos

Each video lasted less than 10 minutes. After the video, I would stop what I was doing and read through the lesson on the page and click on links before going on to the next lesson. You have to click “done” before you can see the next lesson, but you can always come back and re-read or re-watch anything again. I finished the whole thing in 3 days, but you could even do it in one sitting if you wanted to have a dedicated time to do it.

Take Notes

I would recommend that if you are newer to researching about homeschooling high school that you take notes.

Personally, I didn’t learn too much that I didn’t already know (which is a good thing since my boys have been earning high school credit for 2 years), but what I did learn was invaluable!

Combine Credits

The last lesson in particular which explains how to combine credits was totally new for me. This would apply to a student who needs to get a few more credits to finish up their transcript and wants to do it in a fun way that totally fits their interests! I can definitely see doing this with quite a few of my kids in the future.

Weighting Classes and “Honors”

I also learned about weighting classes and how to “go up” to another level (like making a class into Honors.)

Contents of “Homeschool High School: You Can Do It”?

  • Why Homeschool High School?
  • What Must Be Covered?
  • What is a Credit and How Do You Earn One?
  • How Do You Earn a Language Arts Credit?
  • What Are Levels for High School Credits?
  • What are some General Expectations for Student Accomplishment Each Year?
  • Whom Do You Need?
  • What is Your Vision? What is Your Mission?
  • How Do You Set Your 4-Year Goals?
  • How Do You Set Your 1-Year Goals?
  • How Do You Match Curriculum to Your Student? How Do You Know Your Homeschooler’s Strengths and Weaknesses?
  • How Do You Create a Transcript?
  • How Do You Assign Grades and GPA?
  • How Do You Choose Electives?
  • How Can You Combine Credits?

My Takeaways:

I am so thankful for the 7Sisters! I have met 3 of them in person and love these dear ladies. They have been running a high-school co-op for years and have successfully graduated numerous high schoolers (including their own). I trust them! I know that I will be taking advantage of some coaching with them and will be using curriculum that they provide, like Career Exploration and some of their specialty courses that my kids will find interesting.

You are certain to gain answers and confidence in your quest to Homeschool High School through this wonderful self-paced course. Get it here: “Homeschool High School: You Can Do It”.

7Sisters Podcast

I am also so excited that the 7 Sisters also have a podcast all about homeschooling high school!

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  1. This sounds wonderful! I’ve just started looking into what I’ll need for homeschooling high school this year. My oldest is entering 7th grade and I want to be prepared.

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