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X is for Xylography: How to Make a “Wood” Engraving with Kids!

I learned a new word recently that starts with “X”: X is for Xylography, which is the art of wood engraving in order to print with it!  Xylography is the oldest know relief printmaking technique.  It started in China, and then spread to Europe.

X is for Xylography DIY Christmas cards with wood stencil stamping

We decided to use xylography to make our own Christmas cards. This technique can be used for any holiday (hearts for Valentine’s, flags for Thanksgiving, dragons for Chinese New Year) or even to relate it to the history you’re studying!

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Make the Christmas Scene Stamp

We decided to try it at our home to make a Christmas scene “stamp” that could be used to make Christmas cards and wrapping paper.  Since xylographic tools are very sharp and wood engraving can be dangerous, my husband did the carving.  He used plywood and wood-carving chisel tools specifically for the craft.

 You can also use a potato or sponge, instead of wood, and carve/cut a design to stamp with using regular kitchen tools or scissors!

X is for Xylography Christmas Card

1.  Draw on your wood the scene you want to engrave.
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2.  Carve away the parts of the wood that won’t be part of your stamp. That way the scene you want to stamp is “sticking up.”
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3.  Put paint or ink on the parts that are sticking up.
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4.  Carefully dip your wood stamp onto the paper; press down all around it, and lift straight up. Add words or extra paint/marker designs around the stamped scene if you wish.
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It’s also fun to create your own wrapping paper by stamping all over heavy white butcher paper!
Have you ever tried this technique? Leave a comment and let us know what you did!
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