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Gena’s Homeschool Curriculum for Elementary through High School 2021-2022

Well, it took a while of planning, researching, and praying, but we’ve made our decisions for the 2021-2022 Homeschool Curriculum for Elementary through High School. Enjoy seeing what we’re using and please leave a comment or question!

Gena’s Homeschool Curriculum for Elementary through High School 2021-2022

Gena's Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Elementray through High School 2021-2022

Last year when our homeschool co-op went completely online, we figured some things out about how to make our homeschool work without it. (We had really gotten used to our homeschool co-op since we had gone there for 7 years!) And, this year for 2021-2022, we’ve decided to continue that way again.

I combine kids/grades/subjects together as much as possible because:

  • the more, the merrier!
  • simplification
  • accountability
  • to have an audience
Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.

How I Combine the Multiple Ages in Our Homeschool

4 kids (4th – 9th grades):

  • Worldwatch News
  • Memorize Romans 1, Philippians 4:4-9, Psalm 23, Hebrews 12:1-3

R, T, and L (11th, 9th, and 8th):

T and L (9th and 8th):

I and E (6th and 4th):

Recorder Time with Mr. Jerry

T, L, I, and E (9th, 8th, 6th, and 4th):

Everyone will do their own math with Teaching Textbooks.

Our Morning Basket

I have this basket on the table next to the couch where we do our Morning Time. I’ve been amazed at how much it holds and how organized it’s keeping me! Get yours here.

Homeschool Morning Basket set-up Homeschool Morning Basket set-up

Enrichment Time:

My two elementary kids will attend an enrichment co-op once a week to do history/geography projects (from Story of the World, volume 3), nature study, art, and social time. I’ll also be teaching Musikgarten early childhood music and movement classes for the preschoolers who will be there.

2021-2022 Homeschool Schedule

Since Wednesday has always been our co-op day, we’ll keep that day as our Discussion Day (for history and literature Socratic discussions in the morning).


12:30-1:15 p.m. Mom leads Dialectic Tapestry of Grace History discussion with T and L (while elementary kids do math and independent work). We start with Music History of the Romantic Era

1:15-1:45 p.m. Mom leads Rhetoric Literature discussion with Tapestry of Grace or literature guides from 7Sisters with B, T, and L (while middle school and elementary kids do an art project with Masterpiece Society)


12:00-4:00 Enrichment Group co-op

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:

8:30-9:00 Piano lessons for I (Wednesday only)

8:45-9:00 Compass Classroom American History Video (Monday, Tuesday, and Friday only)

9-10:30 a.m. Morning time (Morning Basket Time: Worldwatch News, Bible, Writing, Spanish, Sign Language, Financial Literacy)

10:30-11:30 a.m.  History, Literature, Poetry, and Science with elementary kids

11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Lunch break

12:30-3:30 p.m. Finish up independent work (Mom available to help if needed. Mom works on her business.)


High School Biology science class/experiments/dissections with the teacher and other students who come to our house to do them.

Video Reviews:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see video reviews of the curriculum we use! Click the bell to be notified as well!

2020-2021 Homeschool Curriculum for Elementary through High School

2021-2022 Homeschool Curriculum Choices from

Homeschool Curriculum choices for M ~ 12th Grade

English: English Composition at community college (semester 1)

Science: Physics at community college (semester 2)

Foreign Language: Spanish 3 at community college (semester 2)

Math: College Algebra (semester 1) and Trigonometry (semester 2) at community college

Music: Piano lessons and theory, with senior recital  (1/2 credit)

Physical Education: Dance class at community college and with private teacher at home

College Success Seminar: at community college

Other: working at a restaurant


Homeschool Curriculum choices for R ~ 11th grade

Language Arts: Year 3 Rhetoric Literature from Tapestry of Grace Year 3 and American Literature by Whit Jones. Some discussion materials: literature guides from 7Sisters.

History and Geography:  Tapestry of Grace Year 3 and Compass Classroom’s American History by Dave Raymond.

Dave Raymond's American History from Compass Classroom

Math: Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2

Teaching Textbooks Self Directed Learning Free Trial for homeschool math grades 3rd - 12th.

Cosmetology Year 1: at Tech Campus (3 or more hours daily)

Other: Entrepreneurship with her Etsy shop NailsetsByB


2021-2022 Homeschool Curriculum Choices from

Homeschool Curriculum choices for T ~ 9th Grade

Language Arts: Year 3 Rhetoric Literature from Tapestry of Grace Year 3 and American Literature by Whit Jones. Some discussion materials: literature guides from 7Sisters. Grammar with IEW Fix It Grammar Level 1 Nose Tree.

IEW writing with U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons

IEW U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons

History and Geography:  Tapestry of Grace Year 3

Foreign Language: Spanish with Living Waters Spanish (Be sure to tell them I referred you – Gena Mayo – if you enroll!)

Living Waters Spanish live classes combine Spanish learning with the Bible and missions!

Science: Exploring Creation with Biology from Apologia

Math: Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1

Financial Literacy: MoneyTime

MoneyTime makes it easy to teach financial literacy to your kids.


Coding: Python Programming

Python Programming online course for teens

Linguistics: Independent study

Music composition: with Ableton Live


2021-2022 Homeschool Curriculum Choices from

Homeschool Curriculum choices for L ~ 8th Grade

Language Arts: Year 3 Rhetoric Literature from Tapestry of Grace Year 3 and American Literature by Whit Jones. Some discussion materials: literature guides from 7Sisters. Grammar with IEW Fix It Grammar Level 1 Nose Tree.

Fix It Grammar Level 1 Nose Tree from IEW

IEW writing with U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons

History and Geography:  Tapestry of Grace Year 3

Foreign Language: Spanish with Flip Flop Spanish 2 and ASL Sign Language  (from Mr. D Math)

Science: Exploring Creation with Biology from Apologia

Exploring Creation with Biology from Apologia

Math: Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra

Financial Literacy: MoneyTime

Physical Education: Dance classes at CYT Chicago

Theater: 1 or 2 musical theater shows with CYT Chicago

Art: Mixing with the Masters from Masterpiece Society (We have the Masterpiece Society Membership. Get on the waitlist–it’s amazing! But, you can purchase individual courses at any time.)


2021-2022 Homeschool Curriculum Choices from

Homeschool Curriculum choices for I ~ 6th Grade

Language Arts: Year 3 Rhetoric Literature from Tapestry of Grace Year 3. Grammar with IEW Fix It Grammar Level 1 Nose Tree. IEW writing with U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons.

History and Geography:  Tapestry of Grace Year 3,  Our 50 States from Notgrass , and State Songs of the 50 U.S. States online course

State Songs of the 50 U.S. States online course is the easiest way to include learning about the official state song of each state as you do your U.S. State Study! #homeschool #homeschoolmusic #usstatestudy #usgeography #geography #musicinourhomeschool

Foreign Language: French with Duolingo app and random books we own and ASL Sign Language (from Mr. D Math)

Science: Apologia Exploring Creation with Earth Science, No Sweat Nature Study Live,

No Sweat Nature Study Live is brand new and starts next week! There are 3 ways to join: monthly, quarterly, and yearly. You'll get LIVE 30-60 minute, nature-based science lessons twice a month taught by the awesome Cindy West! #naturestudy #science #ourjourneywestward #ichoosejoyblog

and Dinosaur study with Ken Ham materials.

Math: Teaching Textbooks Math 6

Financial Literacy: MoneyTime

Bible: The Word in Motion: Old Testament from Apologia

The Word in Motion new Bible Study from Apologia: Old and New Testaments

Music: Piano lessons and music theory with a piano teacher and Music Appreciation with Music in Our Homeschool Plus

Theater: 1 or 2 musical theater shows with CYT Chicago

Art: Mixing with the Masters from Masterpiece Society (We have the Masterpiece Society Membership. Get on the waitlist–it’s amazing! But, you can purchase individual courses at any time.)


2021-2022 Homeschool Curriculum Choices from

Homeschool Curriculum choices for E ~ 4th Grade

Language Arts: Year 3 Rhetoric Literature from Tapestry of Grace Year 3,  Brookdale House Spelling, handwriting with Can Do Cursive from Handwriting Without Tears. Grammar with IEW Fix It Grammar Level 1 Nose Tree.

Grammar Galaxy Yellow Star Mission Manual and Text

History and Geography:  Tapestry of Grace Year 3,  Our 50 States from Notgrass , and State Songs of the 50 U.S. States online course

Our 50 States is a great elementary state study geography course from Notgrass

Foreign Language: Spanish with Flip Flop Spanish 2 and ASL Sign Language  (from Mr. D Math)

Science: Apologia Exploring Creation with Earth Science, No Sweat Nature Study Live, and Dinosaur study with Ken Ham materials.

Exploring Creation with Earth Science new elementary science curriculum from Apologia

Math: Teaching Textbooks Math 4

Bible: The Word in Motion: Old Testament from Apologia

Music: Piano lessons and music theory with a piano teacher and Music Appreciation with Music in Our Homeschool Plus

Physical Education: Dance classes at CYT Chicago

Theater: 1 or 2 musical theater shows with CYT Chicago

Art: Mixing with the Masters from Masterpiece Society (We have the Masterpiece Society Membership. Get on the waitlist–it’s amazing! But, you can purchase individual courses at any time.)


Books for Tapestry of Grace History and Literature (Year 3, 1800’s):

I love getting used books from Amazon (free shipping with Prime) or Abe Books (many have free shipping).

Search on Abe here:







What are your Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 2020-2021? Please tell me in a comment below.


Need Homeschool Encouragement?


I’d also like to recommend some encouraging books for you to read such as these. Even after all these years of homeschooling, I still haven’t chosen to give these books away. I want to keep them to reread!

Homeschool mom encouragement groups

Try to find a homeschool mom encouragement group to be a part of. I’ve been in ones that met in the evening once a month, or at breakfast on Saturday morning. I used to have a weekly book club during the summer which was always wonderful. But, now there are some amazing online groups to be a part of such as the Homeschool Sisterhood membership or any number of Facebook groups. If you can’t find one, start one!

Homeschool conventions/conferences

Going to a homeschool convention every year always gives me a great boost! But, now since those are canceled for at least a while longer, you can find some awesome summits and conferences online such as the Top Picks Homeschool Curriculum Facebook group and the Charlotte Mason Inspired Conference, as well as others.

Rainbow Resource Giveaway

Homeschool Rainbow Resource Center Giveaway!

Another (home) school year is about to start! Many homeschool moms are busy preparing and finalizing curriculum choices for the upcoming school year. And many are trying to stick to their tight homeschool budget, hoping it will cover all the books and resources they will need.

Winning a gift card to a major online homeschool retailer would surely help you check some
things off of your curriculum wish list.

Well, I’ve gotten together with a great group of homeschool bloggers to bring you a chance to do just that!

Three homeschool families will win a $200 gift card to Rainbow Resource Center!!

We know homeschooling can put a financial strain on families – whether it’s from living on one income or buying curricula for multiple children – the financial aspect of it can be stressful.  Our hope is that we can bless a few homeschool families (although we wish we could bless many more) so they can buy curriculum, books, games, puzzles, or whatever educational supplies they might need, with a little less stress.

To enter for your chance to win, simply use the Rafflecopter form below to enter.  Now I know this is quite a few entries, but each of these bloggers has generously chipped in their own money to make this giveaway possible, so I hope you will take the time to do all of the entries.  And hey, the more entries you do, the better your odds are of winning!

The giveaway ends July 30, 2021 at 11:59 pm ET.  Must be at least 18 years of age.
Must be a resident of the U.S. or Canada to enter.  Selected winners will have 48 hours to
respond to email notification to claim their prizes or another winner will be drawn.  By
entering this giveaway, you agree to be added to the email lists of the participating bloggers
(see the Terms & Conditions on the Rafflecopter form for the complete list).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Rainbow Resource Giveaway

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  1. I also have a 9th, 8th, 6th, and 4th grader! So I really enjoyed seeing what your kids are doing. It’s also helpful to look at your older kids’ plans, as this is my first year homeschooling a high school student.

  2. Have you combined Dave Raymond’s videos with Tapestry of grace before? How did that go? Do you have your kids do any of the Dave Raymond program, or just watch the videos and do the Tapestry stuff?

    1. I haven’t ever done it before, so this will be an experiment. 🙂 My oldest daughter I will be taking American History with these kids this year has dyslexia and has requested to do a video curriculum. But, I still wanted her to be with us, so that’s why we are combining Compass Classroom with Tapestry of Grace. We’ll see how it goes!

      1. I am in the same situation, with an older dyslexic child. We are starting TOG for the first time this year with two kids. I have wondered about adding the compass classroom stuff fot her because it’s video based. Let me know how it goes.

  3. I love seeing everyone’s curriculum choices. My oldest is a fourth grader like your youngest, but I also like looking ahead to see what we might do for middle and high school!

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