Search Results for: summer


I always enjoy the Olympics.  I’ve been thinking about doing a unit study or lapbook with the kids about it, but since we haven’t finished our Ocean study, I’ve been holding back on buying anything.  However, I just discovered a free one here!  There are some wonderful ideas about mapping, researching an Olympian, studying nutrition,…

Our Schedule

Here is the schedule we have been following lately.  I do the same thing in the summer as during the "school year".  We need fairly strict routines in this house.  My kids are 7 1/2 , 6, 4 1/2, 3, and 20 months right now. 6-7 a.m.  Kids, Dad and I wake up.  Shower.  Breakfast…

Time to try canning

I am really hoping to try canning this summer.  I found a contest (that I hope I win!) at this neat blog: You can join it, too!  And if you know how to can, please give me some tips!  In the meantime, I’m going to study everything at her blog.

What we read in 2007

What Mom read: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child (Weissbluth) Created to be his Helpmeet (Pearl) The Groovy Chicks’ Road Trip to Love (Dyer and Copeland) Managers of Their Chores (Maxwell) Managers of Their Homes (Maxwell) Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends Pocketful of Pinecones (Andreola) Books about Chicago and Illinois (for the Library Reading Club)…