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IEW Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Premium Membership

If you’ve been homeschooling a while, you’ve heard of IEW even if you haven’t tried it. But, if you haven’t tried it, maybe it’s time to take a look! IEW stands for The Institute for Excellence in Writing, and today I’d like to tell you about the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Premium Membership.

IEW Teaching Writing Structure and Style seminar is now available through online streaming. #writing #teachingwriting #homeschool #ichoosejoyblog

Disclosure: I received a complimentary set of The Phonetic Zoo in order to review it here. I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post. All opinions are honest and my own.

I have now graduated my two oldest children. As I have said before, I only have one regret in homeschooling. I wish I had watched the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style seminar sooner. I learned so much from Andrew Pudewa about writing and about teaching in general. In fact, I plan to listen to the entire seminar again this summer!

Teaching Writing: Structure and Style is a 14-hour seminar taught by master teacher Andrew Pudewa. Learn how to teach your kids how to write! #homeschool #writing #IEW #ichoosejoyblog

What is Teaching Writing: Structure and Style?

Teaching Writing: Structure and Style is a 14-hour long seminar taught by master teacher Andrew Pudewa. It’s for teachers, not for kids. So, homeschool mom, it’s for you!

He explains his writing philosophy and how to implement it for all your kids, elementary through high school. The system can be used with only one child at home, with a group at a homeschool co-op, and even in a school classroom.

My kids have done IEW here at home and at a couple of co-ops that we have been a part of.

Teaching Writing: Structure and Style seminar has been so helpful because teaching writing does not come naturally for me.

Teaching Writing: Structure and Style 1-year streaming version

I’m really excited that they now have a streaming version! This makes it very affordable.

Using IEW techniques to learn to write. The Institute for Excellence in Writing #IEW #writing #homeschool #ichoosejoyblog
Keyword outline–the basis for writing the IEW way.

Here is what you get:

Using IEW techniques to learn to write. The Institute for Excellence in Writing #IEW #writing #homeschool #ichoosejoyblog
IEW also teaches kids public speaking techniques.

What the Seminar Teaches You

You will learn how to teach your kids how to:

  • outline and summarize
  • generate cohesive paragraphs
  • create stories
  • produce reports and critiques
  • develop essays
  • translate their thoughts and ideas into writing
  • vary sentence structure
  • use interesting vocabulary
  • add literary devices

You will also find it very helpful to get the Seminar Practicum and Workbook that contains the syllabus for the seminar as well as charts, word lists, sample lesson plans, and more.

IEW - The Institute for Excellence in Writing


Reviews of IEW products we have used in our home:

Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level B review ~ IEW spelling curriculum. #homeschool #homeschoolcurriculum #iew #ichoosejoyblog
Phonetic Zoo Spelling from IEW

Free Gifts:

Looking for some free stuff to help you in teaching writing? They have that, too!

Get your IEW freebies here:

  • IEW Recommended Book List (Books for Boys & Other Children Who Would Rather Make Forts All Day)
  • -LY Adverbs: Combined List
  • Elephant Mini Books
  • Guide to Powerful Paragraphs Assignments PDF 
  • Nurturing Competent Communicators by Andrew Pudewa [Audio Talk]


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  1. We’ve done SWI B and Ancient History Writing

  2. I haven’t used IEW yet, but I’ve heard great things about it!

  3. I love the concept of the KWO (keyword outline) and am working at teaching my boys to use that methodology for many things (including their scout merit badge work).

  4. We have not used IEW yet but I’m looking at their spelling and writing for next year.

  5. I’ve used the key word outline method

  6. Lisa Potts says:

    I’ve been looking and looking at all of the IEW products and I tend to get overwhelmed by where I should start. It will be a part of our homeschool soon.

  7. Heidi Hayes says:

    We have used IEW for years, but I have never watched the TWSS videos. I have always wanted to, but could never afford it.

    1. Yes, the seminar is pricey. The streaming version is certainly a more affordable option. 🙂

  8. Lisa Metcalf says:

    I am very excited about using IEW. I think it will be great for my son.

  9. Chrystal Love says:

    I NEED this in my Boys’ lives!! I haven’t used IEW yet, but have heard AMAZING things. My two little boys would rather eat vegetables or pull their own teeth than to sit down and write. Praying to be a WINNER this time =)

    1. Boy, does Andrew Pudewa know how to relate to your boys! That’s the beauty of his system, it works for all kids!

  10. I’m looking into writing curriculum for next year. I know of IEW but have never used it or seen it in practice.

  11. Jennifer Clayton says:

    The IEW seminar would be a blessing to our household! We’ve had to move around so much the last 4 years plus I’ve had major health issues, both of which have led us to fall behind tremendously with our schoolwork. I struggle with where to start in getting caught up with his writing. I don’t want to start over from the beginning, but don’t want to skip too much either and jump ahead too far. Having a framework like the one in the giveaway would be awesome! Good luck to all those who enter, and God bless!

  12. Tonya Nickell says:

    We have used IEW for 3 years (2 at home and 1 year in Essentials-Classical Conversations) I love how they teach writing skills using a KWO and all the dress ups. I especially love the checklist at the end of each assignment making it easier to make sure we have everything in our paragraph/essay.

    1. I totally agree about how great the dress-ups and checklists are!

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