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2020-2021 Homeschool Curriculum Choices 6 Kids, 3rd – 11th Grades

I’m ready for our 15th year of homeschooling to start at the end of August, 2020! My two oldest sons are in their second year of college this year, but I still have six at home with two in elementary, two in middle school, and two in high school! Have fun exploring our 2020-2021 homeschool curriculum choices for 3rd – 11th grades.

2020-2021 Homeschool Curriculum Choices 3rd - 11th Grades
Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.

Homeschool Changes for 2020-2021

This year our homeschool co-op that we’ve attended the last 6 years is moving completely online. We decided not to join, so I really needed to simplify our curriculum and how I teach this year.

For example, I’ll be combining certain kids/grade levels/subjects that I haven’t ever done before.

All six kids: Worldwatch News, read from the book of Proverbs

M and R (11th and 10th): History together, Literature together, Economics together, Health together

M, R, T, L (11th, 10th, 8th, 7th): Bible together ~ James Inductive

T, L, I, E (8th, 7th, 5th, 3rd)  Spanish together and Sign Language together (from Mr. D Math)

By the way, here is a little information from Suzanne Gose, the creator of Flip Flop Spanish See It and Say It (SiSi) Whole Family Homeschool Spanish:

“I have had MANY people use SiSi for visual processing disorders. . . I actually designed it because my second son has a visual processing disorder, and this gave him the ability to SEE the language, trigger his memory (which was a BiG part of therapy – no visual memory) and cause it to relate to language. Some people said I should call it “Right Brain Spanish.” I recommend NOT having students write the sentences, unless they really WANT to, and I highly recommend that everyone always strive to focus on the photo side only. ? The words are there on the back for the analytical minds (ahem, firstborns) who REALLY just HAVE to have them to be SURE. ?

Flip Flop Spanish "See It and Say It" whole family homeschool Spanish curriculum!

For the second half of the year, we are using a different curriculum called Spanish for You!


R, T, and L (10th, 8th, and 7th): Physical Science together

T and L (8th and 7th): History together, Literature together

T, L, I (8th, 7th, 5th): IEW Writing together

I and E (5th and 3rd): Bible together, History together, Literature together, Science together, Music appreciation together

In the Loop Schedule with all but oldest daughter~ Citizenship, Worldview, Current Events. We will loop through these materials, not doing every single one of them every single day:

The Tuttle Twins - a child's foundation of freedom

Everyone will do their own math with Teaching Textbooks.

Our Morning Basket

I have this basket on the table next to the couch where we do our Morning Time. I’ve been amazed at how much it holds and how organized it’s keeping me! Get yours here.

Homeschool Morning Basket set-up
Homeschool Morning Basket set-up

Accountability and Weekly Meetings

The co-op has been amazing for accountability, so one of my biggest personal homeschool goals this year is to have certain times of the week where we’ll meet together to make sure that work has been completed for the previous week.

Therefore, I will have a more detailed schedule this year for when things are due and when I will meet with certain groups of kids.

I have, in the past, been way more relaxed, but I know for my sanity and stress level, this year we’ll need to be more rigid. And, I pray that all will work out for us to rejoin our amazing co-op in fall of 2021!

The Well Ordered Homeschool Planner

The Well Ordered Homeschool Planner is the print planner I’m using this year! I know it will help keep me organized in our homeschool. See inside it here:

And, get the planner (print or digital version) yourself for 10% off with coupon code CHOOSEJOY10 ! That’s on top of the current sale price of $10 off the digital undated pdf planner version!


2020-2021 Homeschool Schedule

Since Wednesday has always been our co-op day, we’ll keep that day as our Discussion/Project/Experiment/”Preparation for new assignments” day. The “new” week will begin each Thursday.


9-10 a.m. Mom leads Dialectic and Rhetoric Tapestry of Grace History discussion with M, B, T, and L (while elementary kids do math and independent work)

10:30-11:30 a.m. Mom leads Rhetoric Tapestry of Grace Literature discussion with M and B and a friend who is coming over (while middle school and elementary kids do an art project with Mixing with the Masters)

11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Lunch break

12:30-1:30 p.m. Mom leads Dialectic Tapestry of Grace Literature discussion with T and L

1:30-2:30 p.m. Physical Science Experiment and Discussion of material and Writing preparation for the week

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:

8:30-10:15 Piano lessons for M, T, and L (Thursday only)

9-10:30 a.m. Morning time (Spanish with 5 youngest and then History/Literature/Bible/Science/Music Appreciation with 2 youngest)

10:30-11:30 a.m.  Independent work for all (Mom available to help if needed)

11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Lunch break

12:30-3:30 p.m. Finish up Independent work (Mom available to help if needed)

2020-2021 Homeschool Curriculum Choices

2020-2021 Homeschool Curriculum Choices 6 Kids, 3rd - 11th Grades

Homeschool Curriculum choices for M ~ 11th Grade

English: Year 2 Rhetoric Literature from Tapestry of Grace

History and Geography: Year 2 Rhetoric history from Tapestry of Grace

Science:  Exploring Creation with Marine Biology from Apologia

and the dissection kit from Home Science Tools

Foreign Language: Spanish 2 (Level 2) through Living Waters Spanish online school (If you sign up, tell Mrs. Riegg I referred you, so I’ll get a referral credit. Thanks!)

Math: Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2

Health: Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition from Apologia (one semester, 1/2 credit)

Economics: Exploring Economics from Notgrass  (one semester, 1/2 credit)

Physical Education: Dance classes at CYT Chicago (1/2 credit)

Theater Arts: with CYT Chicago 1 or 2 musical theater shows (depending on the pandemic) (1/2 credit)

Music: Piano lessons and theory, with recital  (1/2 credit)

SAT test prep: College Prep Genius

Other: playing piano and singing for the worship team youth group at church, working at a restaurant

2020-2021 Homeschool Curriculum Choices 6 Kids, 3rd - 11th Grades

Homeschool Curriculum choices for R ~ 10th grade

Language Arts:Year 2 Rhetoric Literature from Tapestry of Grace

History and Geography: Year 2 Rhetoric history from Tapestry of Grace

Science: Exploring Creation with Physical Science from Apologia with lab kit from Home Science Tools

Math:Teaching Textbooks Geometry

Foreign LanguageSee It and Say It from Flip Flop Spanish  

Health:Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition from Apologia (one semester, 1/2 credit)

Economics: Exploring Economics from Notgrass  (one semester, 1/2 credit)

Theater Arts: with CYT Chicago 1 or 2 musical theater shows (depending on the pandemic) (1/2 credit)

Physical Education: Dance classes at CYT Chicago (1/2 credit)

Bible: Inductive Bible Study (from 4 One More)

Other: Entrepreneurship with her Etsy shop NailsetsByB

2020-2021 Homeschool Curriculum Choices 6 Kids, 3rd - 11th Grades

Homeschool Curriculum choices for T ~ 8th Grade

Language Arts: Year 2 Dialectic Literature from Tapestry of Grace literature and IEW writing with Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons

History and Geography: Year 2 Dialectic History from Tapestry of Grace

Foreign LanguageSee It and Say It from Flip Flop Spanish  

and ASL Sign Language  (from Mr. D Math)

Science: Exploring Creation with Physical Science from Apologiawith lab kit from Home Science Tools

Math: Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra

Bible: Inductive Bible Study (from 4 One More)

Music: Piano lessons and music theory

Physical Education: tennis

Coding: On his own with various programs

Art: Mixing with the Masters from Masterpiece Society (We have the Masterpiece Society Membership, will open again in Jan. 2021. Get on the waitlist–it’s amazing!)

Other: Visionary Entrepreneurship

2020-2021 Homeschool Curriculum Choices 6 Kids, 3rd - 11th Grades

Homeschool Curriculum choices for L ~ 7th Grade

Language Arts: Year 2 Dialectic Literature from Tapestry of Grace literature and IEW writing with Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons

History and Geography: Year 2 Dialectic History from Tapestry of Grace

Foreign LanguageSee It and Say It from Flip Flop Spanish  

and ASL Sign Language  (from Mr. D Math)

Science: Exploring Creation with Physical Science from Apologia

with lab kit from Home Science Tools

Math: Teaching Textbooks Math 7

Bible: Inductive Bible Study (from 4 One More)

Music: Piano lessons and music theory

Physical Education: Dance classes at CYT Chicago

Theater: 1 or 2 musical theater shows with CYT Chicago

Art: Mixing with the Masters from Masterpiece Society (We have the Masterpiece Society Membership, which will open again in Jan. 2021. Get on the waitlist–it’s amazing! But, you can purchase individual courses at any time.)

2020-2021 Homeschool Curriculum Choices 6 Kids, 3rd - 11th Grades

Homeschool Curriculum choices for I ~ 5th Grade

Language Arts: Year 2 Upper Grammar Literature from Tapestry of Grace literature and IEW writing with Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons

History and Geography: Year 2 Upper Grammar History from Tapestry of Grace

Math: Teaching Textbooks Math 5

Foreign LanguageSee It and Say It from Flip Flop Spanish

and ASL Sign Language  (from Mr. D Math)

Bible: Book of John Discover 4 Yourself Inductive Bible Studies

Science: No Sweat Nature Studies, No Sweat Nature Study Live, and Jonathan Park audios with study guides 

Music: Piano lessons and Music Appreciation with Music in Our Homeschool Plus

Physical Education: tennis

Theater: 2 musical theater shows with CYT Chicago

Art: Mixing with the Masters and some other fun art courses from Masterpiece Society (We have the Masterpiece Society Membership, will open again in Jan. 2021. Get on the waitlist–it’s amazing!)

2020-2021 Homeschool Curriculum Choices 6 Kids, 3rd - 11th Grades

Homeschool Curriculum choices for E ~ 2nd Grade

Language Arts: Year 2 Upper Grammar Literature from Tapestry of Grace literature, Grammar Galaxy volume 2 Protostar, Explode the Code, Spelling You See, Brookdale House Spelling Level 1.

Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears cursive kick-off and cursive

History and Geography: Year 2 Upper Grammar History from Tapestry of Grace, Our 50 States from Notgrass

Math: Teaching Textbooks Math 3

Foreign LanguageSee It and Say It from Flip Flop Spanish  

and ASL Sign Language  (from Mr. D Math)

Science: No Sweat Nature Studies, No Sweat Nature Study Live, and Jonathan Park audios with study guides 

Bible: Book of John Discover 4 Yourself Inductive Bible Studies

Music: Piano lessons and Music in Our Homeschool Plus

Physical Education: swim lessons and tennis

Theater: Classes and 1 or 2 shows with CYT Chicago

Art: Mixing with the Masters and some other fun art courses from Masterpiece Society (We have the Masterpiece Society Membership, will open again in Jan. 2021. Get on the waitlist–it’s amazing!)


Books for Tapestry of Grace History and Literature (Year 2, Middle Ages through American Revolution):

I love getting used books from Amazon (free shipping with Prime) or Abe Books (many have free shipping).

Search on Abe here:




What are your Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 2020-2021? Please tell me in a comment below.

Homeschool Verses to Print:

For Mom I chose James 1:19-20 ” Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” Can you take a guess why I picked that verse for myself? 🙂

Homeschool Verse James-1-19-20 Free Download. 2015-16 Homeschool Curriculum & Schedule for preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school! What we're using for math, science, language arts, foreign language, writing, phonics, spelling, art, music, and more! #homeschool #homeschoolcurriculum #homeeducation #ichoosejoyblog

And for the kids, I chose Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Verse-of-the-Year-Romans-12-2 Free Download. 2015-16 Homeschool Curriculum & Schedule for preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school! What we're using for math, science, language arts, foreign language, writing, phonics, spelling, art, music, and more! #homeschool #homeschoolcurriculum #homeeducation #ichoosejoyblog

You can download nice PDF files of both of these printables to put up in your home!

By downloading, you are also subscribing to my I Choose Joy! email newsletter to receive more homeschool, family, and home tips, ideas, and encouragement throughout the week. Your email is safe and never shared with others. You may unsubscribe at any time. See my privacy policy here.

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Need Homeschool Encouragement?


I’d also like to recommend some encouraging books for you to read such as these. Even after all these years of homeschooling, I still haven’t chosen to give these books away. I want to keep them to reread!

Homeschool mom encouragement groups

Try to find a homeschool mom encouragement group to be a part of. I’ve been in ones that met in the evening once a month, or at breakfast on Saturday morning. I used to have a weekly book club during the summer which was always wonderful. But, now there are some amazing online groups to be a part of such as the Homeschool Sisterhood membership or any number of Facebook groups. If you can’t find one, start one!

Homeschool conventions/conferences

Going to a homeschool convention every year always gives me a great boost! But, now since those are canceled for at least a while longer, you can find some awesome summits and conferences online such as the Top Picks Homeschool Curriculum Facebook group and the Charlotte Mason Inspired Conference, as well as others.

Related Posts:

Join the Homeschool Sisterhood, a membership of encouragement and help for Christian homeschool moms.

Join the Music in Our Homeschool Plus music and fine arts membership experience for preschool through high school!


  1. Thanks for sharing! I’m looking at Flip Flop Spanish after reading this post. I think we might try it this year!

  2. Heather Loewenheim says:

    I love reading about curriculum choices other families make. It’s so wonderful that each family and child can do what works for them. I love homeschooling!

  3. Thanks for sharing about your curriculum choices!

  4. LeAnn Taylor says:

    What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter. I am fairly new to Gena Mayo’s blog and resources but excited to be starting one of the music programs with my kids this school year. It was exactly what I was looking for!

  5. Thank you for such a comprehensive list of curriculum choices.

  6. You may find it helpful to have a daily checklist of work for each child that you can review at the end of their day. That gives you a chance to glance at their work status briefly each day rather than waiting until mid-week to catch a few of those lapses that can happen.

    1. Great idea, but after 15 years of doing this, I know that won’t happen! 🙂

  7. Suzanne Stem says:

    Thanks for sharing, I also have a high schooler with dyslexia, Im going to look into flip flop Spanish

    1. Great! It’s an experiment for us, so we’ll see how it goes!

  8. Kindra Jazwick says:

    I am amazed at you homeschooling all the different ages! I only have a 2nd and 4th and its hard to do that.

  9. I’ve never heard of FLip Flop Spanish. We use DuoLingo. How long have you been using the inductive Bible Studies?

    1. We’ve done the Kids Inductive Bible Studies for for past two years. 🙂 They’re a little dated, and the stories are a little corny, but I love the activities and Bible teaching. 🙂

  10. Delia Jones says:

    Though I have been homeschooling for many years now, I was just wanting to see how others schedule & fit things in. Thank you for sharing!

    Out of curiosity how many computers do your children have access to for schoolwork? Do you struggle with scheduling time on the computer?

    1. My high schoolers each have a Chromebook, my 8th-grade son has a computer he built himself, and we have a couple of other computers for the other kids to share. The hardest time we had was in the spring during Covid when our co-op and musical theater moved online. Chromebooks don’t work well for streaming Zoom or other live classes, and I was teaching live classes as well (because I taught at our co-op and at CYT). So, it was a huge struggle logistically figuring all that out. That’s one reason we decided not to remain with our co-op this year, since it will all be online this year.

  11. What a great giveaway. Their products are first rate always.

    1. Agreed! And, Rainbow Resource Center’s prices are great, too!

  12. Hi, I am homeschooling two of my 3 children with one on the way. My oldest is 7. For our core curriculum, we use Classical Conversations. We still have no idea if we will have community this year 🙁 – For math she is doing a loop between Easy Peasy Math level 2, “Ray’s Primary Arthimetic, and “First Year in Number” by Hoyt and Peet. She is reading through the McGuffey Primer and almost ready for the First Reader. We are using Copywork for handwriting practice. My next child is 5 and for Math she is looping through Easy Peasy Getting Ready 2, “Under the”‘s Kindergarten Math, and “Math with Confidence – Kindergarten” by Kate Snow. She has ABC flashcards cor phonics. For handwriting, she is doing “Letters and Numbers for Me” by Handwriting without Tears.
    We use picture books a lot and fun Read Alouds. We are currently reading: “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”, “Raggedy Andy”, and “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe”.

    Thank you for sharing what you are doing. I love seeing what is out there and gleaning wisdom from others.

    1. Sounds wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

  13. Jennifer Wellman says:

    Sounds like a good year ahead! This year I have an 11th grader, and a 3rd & 4th grader. My 3rd and 4th graders are doing Trail Guide to Learning Paths of Exploration this year! Ive looked at the program for years and wanted to do it so this is that year! Now that I have it I would say that it looks like a gentle year ahead for us and thats just fine with me, especially with all the craziness going on! Have a great school year!

  14. Chiana Sanderson says:

    I actively read your posts a couple of years ago and it’s refreshing to see your growing family as I hope to win the giveaway to provide for mine.

  15. Thanks for sharing your plans for this year! I’m definitely going to check out some or your curriculum choices that are new to me!

  16. Wow! I will be homeschooling my 2nd and 5th grader and my 10th grader will be doing virtual.

  17. Lisa Dorsett says:

    Wonderful curriculum choices! These are great!

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