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Adding Scripture to Stand On… “Write Them on the Doorposts” 

Adding Scripture to Stand on… “Write Them on the Doorposts” is a guest post written by Amy Pak of Homeschool in the Woods.

 "Adding Scripture to Stand On. . . Write them on your doorposts  

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Her Day was Surrounded in Scripture

I had a great time of fellowship with my niece recently.  She’s a homeschool mom of five very active, vivacious young girls and a baby boy. Every time I walk in their house, she starts apologizing for the mess of toys on the floor or the sticky table.

However, that’s not what I see—there are scriptures everywhere: hanging in the kitchen, in press-on vinyl taking up a whole chunk of living room wall, on chalkboards in cute fonts, painted onto wood, even written on scrap papers with toddler scribbles —ahem, ‘artwork’— added to the mix. I told her I loved how her day was surrounded in scripture. 

“I need it to remind me all the time,” she says. 

Hope, Promises, Instruction

I looked at each scripture: ones to give us hope, ones that remind us of God’s promises, and ones that instruct us. I saw how each could apply to almost anyone, but in her case, to the mom who could get frazzled and worried and overwhelmed and lost, if she didn’t have them as anchor points to re-adjust her gaze. 

Meditate on His Precepts

David tells us in the Psalms, “I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. And every time I visit, it’s not the toys and the sticky table that captures my attention. My heart is always warmed by what I truly see; a woman with her priorities straight, whose desire is to love God first and love her family. And even though my kids are grown now, I am yet again reminded of how important it is to have His word surrounding me daily.

Homeschoolers’ “Write Them on the Doorposts” Scripture

Back in the 90s, it seemed that the classic “motto” of most homeschoolers came from Deuteronomy 6:5-9, which reads:

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

  "Adding Scripture to Stand On. . . Write them on your doorposts

Post Them Everywhere

What this told me is that these kids needed not only to be taught the scriptures, but those life-giving words should be displayed and exemplified everywhere…  starting with me! Like my niece, and as a visual person myself, having reminders on the walls or posted to the fridge would keep the scripture fresh in front of my eyes daily. I also would start the day with prayer to get my own armor on (Ephesians 6:10-18), in an effort to withstand the darts of the enemy and not just be a shield to my children, but be an encouragement and example to them.

As much as I wanted them to memorize these scriptures to pull out when needed, I needed them just as badly to pull out when I was in need! Those moments when the cereal spilled into the couch cushion (even though you’ve told them not to take food into the living room a million times), the crayon got left in the pants pocket and now is on EVERYTHING in the dryer (and it was BROWN!), the lessons or chores don’t get done no matter how many times you remind them, or the pitch of arguing gets SO high you think it will peel paint off the walls—the list goes on.

Addressing Character Traits

Then there is addressing character traits, like interrupting, talking back or defiance, bad attitude, or whining. I’d have to think when I saw it in my kids, “Did they hear those traits in me?”

Sometimes (maybe often?), I would sheepishly admit, “Yes, they did.”

There are scriptures for all of these moments: for patience, for interceding, for strength, for keeping the peace, for pride, laziness, discipline, compassion, complaining, arguing, offense, and kindness, just to name a few. I realized, “How could they learn these lessons in scripture if they do not see them manifested in me, the primary teacher in their lives?”

"Adding Scripture to Stand On. . . Write them on your doorposts

Ways to “Write Them on the Doorposts”

1. You don’t have to have an artistic hand to collect verses for display, either. If you do a search in Pinterest for “printable scripture verses,” there are many free choices available. Have your children take part by helping choose what ones would be important to display and then coloring them in or adding a decorative border. 

2. If you have children that need correction at times (don’t we all?), there are posters called “If/Then” charts. In other words, IF you do this, THEN this will happen. It teaches consequences to actions, based on scripture. You can purchase them ready-made or search for the term on the internet or Pinterest, and you can find free printable options as well. You could even design your own, containing scriptures more focused on behaviors that need more attention. Alongside the idea of discipline are also “Blessing Charts,” offering scriptures that reinforce good behavior, too! 

3. You can use Bible verses in the school schedule as copy work or to create a special scrapbook or notebook with personally decorated pages that can be added to continually. Making scripture cards, specifically chosen to give to people addressing a need in their life, is a wonderful way to share the love of Christ. 

"Adding Scripture to Stand On. . . Write them on your doorposts

Standing on Scripture is a lesson for life… Get your Armor on!

I’ve always said that academics are all well and good, but character training is just as crucial—maybe more so. Anyone can gain intelligence, but even Jesus was all about the people and the relationships. How we treat each other and how we learn to respect, accept, defend, and love each other is critical and necessary to get through life. Our responses to situations can make or break us as we grow older, and what better way is there to prepare our children than to start each day by encouraging them to put on their own armor of God and learn to look at others and each situation through the eyes of Jesus.

Even Jesus pulled out scripture to combat the enemy! Why would it be any different for us? It’s often not easy, and it will take time, but these life lessons will carry them through the rest of their lives.

The Battle Around Us

There is a battle going on over our children. Look around you! The state of our nation, the attack on Christianity, and the fight to maintain the rights to raise our kids and be the primary voice in their lives is just the start. The attacks come from everywhere: the progressive secular society, government institutions, television and media, even within family and the church at times.

It’s a daily job to guard the hearts and minds of our children, and if we let the shield down even a little, those darts of the enemy will be right there to sneak in and gain ground. Have you noticed that in the armor of God, our weapon is a sword? Not a javelin, not a pike, which can be used at a distance… a sword, which means combat will be close and in our personal space.

Bless Them Daily

What can we do? Daily speak words of God’s promises over our children! Pray for their future spouses, for their future employment, or whatever God positions them to do. Pray for their strength to withstand the enemy and continue the fight. The Bible says there is power in the spoken word—speak it right out! Bless them daily. Ephesians 6:18 states to pray, “being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints…”

The Bible says we are all saints, and I would think our children would definitely qualify as those we’d have even more reason to stand up in prayer for! Finally, Psalm 127 says that children are “like arrows in the hand of a warrior.” It takes time to polish and sharpen these arrows, whittling a shaft that is straight and strong.  May God bless us, that when we take aim and let them fly into their future, they will all fly true!

“Write Them on the Doorposts” Verses to Print:

James 1:19-20 ” Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” 

Homeschool Verse James-1-19-20 Free Download. 2015-16 Homeschool Curriculum & Schedule for preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school! What we're using for math, science, language arts, foreign language, writing, phonics, spelling, art, music, and more! #homeschool #homeschoolcurriculum #homeeducation #ichoosejoyblog

Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Verse-of-the-Year-Romans-12-2 Free Download. 2015-16 Homeschool Curriculum & Schedule for preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school! What we're using for math, science, language arts, foreign language, writing, phonics, spelling, art, music, and more! #homeschool #homeschoolcurriculum #homeeducation #ichoosejoyblog

You can download nice PDF files of both of these printables to put up in your home!

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Bio of Guest Writer

Amy Pak: "Adding Scripture to Stand On. . . Write them on your doorposts

Amy Pak is an 18-year homeschool veteran to four and a “Maimy” to seven grandkids. She is also the co-owner, illustrator, and co-author at Home School in the Woods, a family-run history company known for its historical timeline figures and hands-on history studies. You can read more of Amy’s writing on her company’s blog.

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