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The Word in Motion review: Apologia Bible Curriculum

Years ago the pastor at my church led us through a Walk Through the Bible seminar. I loved it and thought what a wonderful technique it would be to use this to teach kids all about the Bible. I’m thrilled that Rachael Carmen had the same thought and ran with it to create the new Apologia Bible curriculum called The Word in Motion, and today I have a review for you!

Disclosure: I received complimentary copies of The Word in Motion: Old and New Testament. I was compensated for my time and all opinions are honest.

The Word in Motion review, Bible curriculum for homeschoolers from Apologia.

How The Word in Motion Works:

My elementary kids (in 4th and 6th grades) and I started using The Word in Motion about 6 weeks ago and have finished the first 4 lessons. The Word in Motion is based on the Walk Through the Bible techniques of using motions to help students (even adults!) understand the chronology and meaning of the Bible.

For example, the first 8 motions (which we learned in the first 4 lessons) are

  • Creation
  • Fall

The Word in Motion "Fall"

  • Flood
  • Nations
  • Abraham
  • Isaac

The Word in Motion "Isaac"

  • Jacob
  • Joseph

The Word in Motion "Joseph"

See me do the signs in this video:

This first group is called “Beginnings” and teaches about the beginnings of the world as described in the book of Genesis in the Bible. The next 8 motions are called “Wanderings:”

  • Moses
  • Passover
  • Law
  • Tabernacle
  • Offerings-Feasts
  • Counting-Spying
  • Wandering-Dying
  • Second Law

Then, we have “Promised Land:”

  • Joshua
  • Divide-Conquer
  • TwelveTribes
  • Judges
  • Deborah
  • Gideon
  • Samson
  • Everyone Did What Was Right in His Own Eyes. Except Ruth and . . .

Next is “Kingdoms:”

  • Samuel
  • United Kingdom
  • Saul-No Heart
  • David- Whole Heart
  • Solomon-Half Heart
  • Divided Kingdom
  • Mostly Bad Kings
  • Prophets Speak

Finally, there is “Captivity;”

  • Israel-Scattered
  • Judah-Exiled
  • Judah-Returned
  • Zerubbabel-Temple
  • Esther-Queen
  • Ezra-People
  • Nehemiah-Walls
  • Wait-Christ

There are 30 motions to learn that take you through the entire Old Testament, and you learn these in the first 15 lessons of The Word in Motion: Old Testament book.

Part 2 of The Word in Motion: Old Testament

In Part 2 of The Word in Motion: Old Testament we learn about the 39 books of the Old Testament. There is a special graphic (or card) that gives a pictorial description of the book. Each Book of the Bible includes some key words, a special Bible reading, and a verse to memorize. The lesson continues with some teachings such as “Person” Speaks (for example, Job Speaks), teaching about special Biblical practices (such as giving and tithing), and Prayer.

Special Features of The Word in Motion

Each lesson in The Word in Motion starts with a 4-5 minute video lesson taught by Rachael Carmen. Rachel effectively introduces each lesson by giving background information about the lesson and teaching the new motions. Interspersed throughout the video lesson are graphics and charts.

The Word in Motion review motions.

The Word in Motion review Creation & Fall motions

The Word in Motion review video

The Word in Motion review Israel family tree

The Word in Motion review teaching about Joseph's coat

Lesson Plans

At the same link where you find the online streaming videos, you’ll find some lesson plans to follow. I always tend to want to do my own thing and not get locked into others’ schedules, so this is how we did it.

Day 1: Start with the streaming video and practice the motions. Have the kids write something they learned on the Notes pages.

The Word in Motion review Flood & Nations notes

The Word in Motion review Jacob & Joseph notes.

Days 2-10: (or however long the entire lesson takes us) ~ Do one or two pages in the notebooking journal, such as

  • Read aloud the Scripture passage the lesson is discussing.
  • Read aloud the Narrative, 3-4 pages that teaches about the key people, events, or places.
  • Take It To Heart scripture memory pages

The Word in Motion review Take it to Heart Genesis 1

The Word in Motion review Take it to Heart Genesis 6

  • Prayer page

The Word in Motion review prayer 2. The Word in Motion review prayer 1

  • Activity pages

The Word in Motion review Creation & Fall pictures

The Word in Motion review Life of Joseph.

  • Let’s Talk About It page. I really like this page because it helps guide a discussion with my kids about the lessons we’re studying and how it applies to their lives.

The Word in Motion review Let's Talk About It

  • “Person” Speaks page. Read around about the person who speaks.

The Word in Motion review Isaac Speaks drawing

Additional Resources You Get with this Bible Curriculum for Homeschool

When you get your copies of The Word in Motion textbook and notebooking journal, you also have access to some online extras through Apologia’s Book Extras.

Here is what you get:

  • How to Use The Curriculum
  • The Word in Motion Old Testament Lesson Plans
  • Answers to the “Let’s Talk About It” review questions
  • Quick Reference
  • Key Word Memory Cards
  • Student Notebook Story Disks
  • Character Traits List
  • Links to Other Reference Material

Here are the Story Disks:

The Word in Motion Story Disks

The Books of the Bible Quick Reference cards:

The Word in Motion Bible Quick Reference cards

Watch these Videos to see Lesson 1!

Lesson 1 Video Sample-Old Testament:

Lesson 1 Video Sample- New Testament:

Final Thoughts about The Word in Motion Apologia Bible Curriculum

I am ecstatic to have found The Word in Motion. I’m only sad that I didn’t have it to use with my older kids. But, I plan to go through the entire Old Testament and New Testament lessons with my younger two children.

I love that my children can KNOW the Bible and The Word in Motion engages their heart, hands, and head!

Be sure to click here to learn more and get The Word in Motion!

Apologia Curriculum We Love:

I have been a happy Apologia user for years!

Here are some other posts of the curriculum we’ve used that I’ve written about:

Giveaway of The Word in Motion

(Giveaway is complete.)

The Word in Motion Bible Curriculum review

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