Search Results for: easter

Homeschool Curriculum Plans Pre-K thru 7th Grade

Our 2013-2014 Homeschool Curriculum Plans!

Today I’m sharing one of the most important posts I write each year:  Our 2013-2014 Homeschool Curriculum Plans! Below you’ll see each of my children and the curriculum I’ve chosen for them this year.  I try to combine as many grades together as possible (easiest with science, history/geography, and read-alouds).  My next challenge is to…

Apologia Swimming Creatures: Lapbook, Crafts, Field Trips, and more! See all we did this year to learn about ocean animals.

Why Apologia Swimming Creatures is our Favorite Elementary Science Curriculum

Apologia Swimming Creatures We had an absolutely wonderful time studying science this year using Apologia’s Exploring Creation With Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day.  This was the fourth of the elementary Exploring Creation books that we have done.  And I have loved all of them!  Jeanne Fulbright loves the Lord and brings her understanding…

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Our Week in Review: Piano Recital, Project Fair, etc.!

I’m supposed to get “Our Week in Review” up on Fridays. Only 4 days late! 🙂 First up–the kids had their final Chapter presentation from their speech class. These 3 below had a piano recital on Sunday. The older boy played “The Pink Panther”, older girl played “Fur Elise”, and the younger daughter played in…

Josefina Unit Study from Girls of American History

Your Kids will LOVE this American Girl Josefina Unit Study Like Mine Did

For the last 6 weeks my daughters and I have been using a multisensory homeschool curriculum (a unit study) for the American Girl books. I asked my oldest daughter which one she’d like to do, and she chose to do the Josefina unit study.  I’m glad I asked her because it would not have been…

Hands-On Projects

This week we decided to take Spring Break. What I really would have loved to do this week was get outside and do some field trips (zoo, Botanic Garden, etc.), but the weather didn’t cooperate. Someone didn’t tell Chicago that it’s spring yet! So we took advantage of the time to do some hands-on projects…